Should people stick to their own kind?


the one and only...
Jan 9, 2008
At the party...

I ask because I belong to a certain race and try as I might, I simply do not understand some races out there, I just don't. it makes me wonder if the only friends I have belong to my race which begs the question, should people stick to their own kind?

Any thoughts?
Are you talking about interracial relationships and such, or just general interaction between races?

I'm not exactly sure what aspects of other races, and on what level you are referring to though. Any examples? You could always try reading up on other cultures/races if you're wanting to understand them better.

But as for your question. I don't think people should 'stick to their own kind' but at the same time, it shouldn't be an obligation to do otherwise. Whatever is best for each individual I suppose.
I am all for free association; if all of one's friends happen to be white, black, or purple, there is no harm perpetrated upon anyone else nor are anyone's rights being violated. However, one could argue one is missing out on the benefits (i.e connections, &c) of friendship if one discriminates arbitrarily.

I ask because I belong to a certain race and try as I might, I simply do not understand some races out there, I just don't. it makes me wonder if the only friends I have belong to my race which begs the question, should people stick to their own kind?

Any thoughts?

Kind of the "Malcolm X" sentiment. An interesting question. :cool:

Personally, I have friends of multiple "races." I don't like the term "race" actually, because in truth we all belong to the human race. We only differ in ethnicity. So shall we train our gaze in that direction...?

I'm actually very torn on this. I think sometimes that separate ethnicities would be better suited to carry out their existence apart from other cultures. However, I also believe that all ethnicities should be able to coexist, if they truly try. Miunderstandings between cultures usually generate because of ignorance towards said cultures. Many of these misunderstandings can be rectified if the cultures involved simply took it upon themselves to learn more about what they were getting into.

That's my opinion.
there are people of a number of races here, but we were all raised in the same culture, so it's less of a difference than even whether someone is male or female, it's pretty much up there with asking 'should I only hang out with people as ugly/beautiful as me?'.

does race, where you are, have a lot to do with "ethnicity" (a more inclusive word, it seems, involving heritage/traditions/worldviews/etc., not just -genetics-)?
I thought this forum had got over the controversial arguments of old!

Einherjar summed up pretty much how I feel. I've mused over the topic so much in the past that the only real conclusion I've came to is that multiculturalism is possible, but it's not easy.
It is possible but it should not be compelled; it comes across through trade and free market forces. In doing so, cultures are brought into contact and trust is built, allowing for understanding and free association if desired.

For instance, I speak on occasion with the Indians and Emiratis regarding the gold markets, and have been in contact with a Chinese solar cell manufacturer and two factories in Russia, as well as the Saudi state oil company about future employment.
There is pros and cons to both. Most ethnics dont open their arms fully to others or trust either. Slowly it melts into the pot but resistance remains. I find trying too hard to be of another culture a curious behavior, but "influenced by" will exist and is what begins the melding.
Are you talking about interracial relationships and such, or just general interaction between races?

I'm not exactly sure what aspects of other races, and on what level you are referring to though. Any examples? You could always try reading up on other cultures/races if you're wanting to understand them better.

But as for your question. I don't think people should 'stick to their own kind' but at the same time, it shouldn't be an obligation to do otherwise. Whatever is best for each individual I suppose.

General interaction, more or less.

Yes. I admit there are many misunderstandings between I and some other cultures I work with at work or enconter in the public. Its happened several times to me. Misunderstandings as in like "I wasn't supposed to make direct eye contact with a certain race apparently", or "smiling can be considered rude", or "small talk/humor is not appropriate" and so on.
These other groups seem to think certain manners/behaviours should be done in a certain way but honestly, thats not I how see it. Frustrating. What I get for living in a city..

I ask because I belong to a certain race and try as I might, I simply do not understand some races out there, I just don't. it makes me wonder if the only friends I have belong to my race which begs the question, should people stick to their own kind?

Any thoughts?

It sounds like the question only begs to you. I don't think that every other person feels the same way you do...
I certainly don't. For me the issue of race is a non-starter. Even if it could be conclusively proven, I'd still find the usual conclusions to be false.

It seems to me that multiculturalism is inevitable, I think that a return to a more insular world is no longer possible. As I said before, I don't think it's fundamentally flawed, but it's certainly not easy. It requires some effort on every ones part.

Not that it will matter eventually anyways, as human phenotypes tend towards homogeneity, it's possible cultures will too.
people who diffrenciate others because of their race, or stupid things like where they are from or what they look like can go and eat their own shit for once. whats the point? we r all human beings...and we are all born on the same planet. what difference does it ficking make if a person is from mare either. its what they are on the inside that counts.
and besides...dosent it become boring...sticking to the same race? id die of boredom...especially because from where i come from...everyone of the same "race" has the same "pea brain" too...:lol:
I don't like the term "race" actually, because in truth we all belong to the human race. We only differ in ethnicity.

Me neither. I heard race doesn't exist genetically anyway.

I don't think people should stick to their race (of course I don't believe people have to marry another race). Learning about others different than you can help you see the world through someone elses eyes. If people stuck to their own "kind" I wouldn't have been born. My mother is Hispanic, and my father is white.

My dad dislikes the people who hate Hispanic immigrants (please lets not turn this into an illegal immigration debate) and I think if he never met my mom he would probably be indifferent. Or care less.

dosent it become boring...sticking to the same race?

I would say it would be pretty boring. Meeting my mothers side of the family and meeting my fathers side are completely different experiences.
I really don't understand why this is a big deal. I have plenty of friends of multiple races and for the most part, I don't really notice. Who cares?
I heard race doesn't exist genetically anyway.
It does. However, the amount of our genome that differentiates race is fairly small and insignificant by comparison to the amount of variation between individuals even within the same race.
It seems to me that multiculturalism is inevitable, I think that a return to a more insular world is no longer possible. As I said before, I don't think it's fundamentally flawed, but it's certainly not easy. It requires some effort on every ones part.

Multiculturalism is hardly inevitable but for the current path of western nations wherein this very new idea has become sacrosanct and any aversion thereto is condemned as so much bigotry and xenophobia. Thus it is inevitable only so long as this twisted idea that any resistance to it is wickedness, hate, racism, etc., continues

What western nation exactly was calling out for multiculturalism prior to the massive and politically motivated changes in immigration laws and policies beginning primarily in the 1960's? And what benefit does it bring a society or single culture anyway? Multiculturalism, like its stepbrother "diversity" is a grand "strength" and "benefit" we are told - yet few can cite more than some simplistic tripe about ethnic food choices as a plus of any kind! The only people who benfit from multiculturalism are the "multis" and those who either exploit them, make money championing them, or extort the natives peddling them all manner of clap-trap about the supposed glories of "Diversity" etc. The classic self-fulfilling prophecy - Diversity only became fashionable, desirable after the fact!!

I find various peoples from around the globe interesting culturally and individually - but I don't see the wisdom of importing them by the tens and tens of thousands into every western nation on the earth for the sake of this multiculti experiment. The greater the mix the greater the strife or likelihood thereof. And given that the "payoff" is either nebulous at best or simply unknown - why take the risk?
Multiculturalism is hardly inevitable but for the current path of western nations wherein this very new idea has become sacrosanct and any aversion thereto is condemned as so much bigotry and xenophobia. Thus it is inevitable only so long as this twisted idea that any resistance to it is wickedness, hate, racism, etc., continues

What western nation exactly was calling out for multiculturalism prior to the massive and politically motivated changes in immigration laws and policies beginning primarily in the 1960's? And what benefit does it bring a society or single culture anyway? Multiculturalism, like its stepbrother "diversity" is a grand "strength" and "benefit" we are told - yet few can cite more than some simplistic tripe about ethnic food choices as a plus of any kind! The only people who benfit from multiculturalism are the "multis" and those who either exploit them, make money championing them, or extort the natives peddling them all manner of clap-trap about the supposed glories of "Diversity" etc. The classic self-fulfilling prophecy - Diversity only became fashionable, desirable after the fact!!

I find various peoples from around the globe interesting culturally and individually - but I don't see the wisdom of importing them by the tens and tens of thousands into every western nation on the earth for the sake of this multiculti experiment. The greater the mix the greater the strife or likelihood thereof. And given that the "payoff" is either nebulous at best or simply unknown - why take the risk?

One of the most truthful statements i have read for a long time. Cheers!!
Multiculturalism is hardly inevitable but for the current path of western nations wherein this very new idea has become sacrosanct and any aversion thereto is condemned as so much bigotry and xenophobia. Thus it is inevitable only so long as this twisted idea that any resistance to it is wickedness, hate, racism, etc., continues

What western nation exactly was calling out for multiculturalism prior to the massive and politically motivated changes in immigration laws and policies beginning primarily in the 1960's? And what benefit does it bring a society or single culture anyway? Multiculturalism, like its stepbrother "diversity" is a grand "strength" and "benefit" we are told - yet few can cite more than some simplistic tripe about ethnic food choices as a plus of any kind! The only people who benfit from multiculturalism are the "multis" and those who either exploit them, make money championing them, or extort the natives peddling them all manner of clap-trap about the supposed glories of "Diversity" etc. The classic self-fulfilling prophecy - Diversity only became fashionable, desirable after the fact!!

I find various peoples from around the globe interesting culturally and individually - but I don't see the wisdom of importing them by the tens and tens of thousands into every western nation on the earth for the sake of this multiculti experiment. The greater the mix the greater the strife or likelihood thereof. And given that the "payoff" is either nebulous at best or simply unknown - why take the risk?

All a bit old hat, no? I'm more than familiar with your viewpoint, and I agree with much of it, but after years of being exposed to such articulate criticism of multiculturalism on this forum, I've adopted a less partisan position.

Also, given what you've said, multiculturalism does seem inevitable, not in some abstract way, but because our course has been set upon it, rightly or wrongly. That's what I meant, not that multiculturalism is inevitable, in the same way that time passing is.
Multiculturalism is hardly inevitable but for the current path of western nations wherein this very new idea has become sacrosanct and any aversion thereto is condemned as so much bigotry and xenophobia. Thus it is inevitable only so long as this twisted idea that any resistance to it is wickedness, hate, racism, etc., continues

What western nation exactly was calling out for multiculturalism prior to the massive and politically motivated changes in immigration laws and policies beginning primarily in the 1960's? And what benefit does it bring a society or single culture anyway? Multiculturalism, like its stepbrother "diversity" is a grand "strength" and "benefit" we are told - yet few can cite more than some simplistic tripe about ethnic food choices as a plus of any kind! The only people who benfit from multiculturalism are the "multis" and those who either exploit them, make money championing them, or extort the natives peddling them all manner of clap-trap about the supposed glories of "Diversity" etc. The classic self-fulfilling prophecy - Diversity only became fashionable, desirable after the fact!!

I find various peoples from around the globe interesting culturally and individually - but I don't see the wisdom of importing them by the tens and tens of thousands into every western nation on the earth for the sake of this multiculti experiment. The greater the mix the greater the strife or likelihood thereof. And given that the "payoff" is either nebulous at best or simply unknown - why take the risk?

That is exactly why government must be laissez-faire in such matters, as these experiments are being carried out by means of government policy. When such policies meddle in the market, they distort its mechanisms and interfere with the ability for it to adjust to new conditions. The market may decide what the payoff is and adjust accordingly i.e. if there is tangible value to be realized from having, say, certain Chinese people in the workplace than people of European extraction, let it decide.
Oldscratch........ I bow before you :worship:

This is what Im talking about when I refer to "in my face" and "craming in down the throat" but so well put. When myself I feel its so obvious it need not an explaination.

Once again....... :worship:

Cypher, with all due respect... fuck the free market, why am I as an American forced to compete with the wages of former rice farmers or name the other historically less proactive culture, by American corporations and government ? I have to live in the extremely inflated economy of the States, not a thatch hut or corporate housing. This country moved past that nearly 100 years ago, and we would be there again today if it wasnt masked by "extended credit" and faux economy blankets

seriously, again with all DUE respect fuck you wallstreet types, you dont earn your money, others earn it for you, its theft, perfectly legal, legitimate and government protected theft. You are stealing the paychecks of others.
seriously, again with all DUE respect fuck you wallstreet types, you dont earn your money, others earn it for you, its theft, perfectly legal, legitimate and government protected theft. You are stealing the paychecks of others.

seriously, again with all DUE respect fuck you socialists and commies, you dont earn your money, others earn it for you, its theft, perfectly legal, legitimate and government protected theft. You are stealing the paychecks of others.

That argument works both ways.