Should we expect an announcement this week? of the main reasons I posted that was to illustrate that a band like In Flames or Heaven & Hell would *not* be necessary to "blow the roof off" (to put a ridiculous amount of weight and focus on that completely nebulous and probably offhand comment from Rob)

Don't you think that any band that draws 3 times the current top-draw (Novembers Doom, 6921 listeners) would be more than sufficient to "blow the roof off"? It's all relative, after all.

You clearly don't need an In Flames, which is *23 times* more popular than Novembers Doom (50x more than Solitude Aeturnus). Nevermore, at 45000 (6.5x) is also more than enough, although that's at least a more reasonable guess.

I'd bet the band is somewhere in the 20- to 50-thousand listener range, although I wouldn't be shocked if it was even less than that. I'd still like my Arcturus idea (26,000), if Dimmu Borgir was starting their tour a day later (it begins April 20th, in Cleveland).

That's a great little study, Neil .. really enjoyed it. I guess I missed the point a bit, but I keep struggling to think of a band that could blow the roof off of Powerfest, and In Flames just kind of came to me. One of the reasons I was thinking big was that Rob hoped to get at least 750-1000 for Powerfest. I think he needs a pretty big draw to get there, but I'm struggling for names. I don't know Arcturus drawing power enough to know if anyone would show up for them or not.

"blowing the roof" off the fest doesnt necessarily mean that it would be an extremely popular band, i don't think. for instance.. the Heathen Crusade got Manegarm to headline the first night. they arent that well known, but they put on one of the greatest performances I've ever seen.
"blowing the roof" off the fest doesnt necessarily mean that it would be an extremely popular band, i don't think. for instance.. the Heathen Crusade got Manegarm to headline the first night. they arent that well known, but they put on one of the greatest performances I've ever seen.
Here's Rob's quote:

"If we get the band we're going after, then that will blow this fest wide open."

He's also said, in reference to the club's capacity, "The Pearl Room can fit about 1500 comfortably, and can get up as high as 2000, but we'll probably limit it to leave room for vendors etc."

Perhaps I'm reading too much into this comment, but the way Rob states, "but we'll probably limit it", would seem to indicate that they could sell 2,000 tickets, but don't want to create an uncomfortable situation.

Taking these statements, along with those that they were hoping to really step up this year, has led me to believe that the headliner they're chasing is a fish bigger than Nevermore.

Disturbed >>>>>>>>> Elvenking.


Wow, I haven't even heard ELVENKING, but I would bet dollars to donuts (and I fuckin' love donuts!) that I would have to disagree with you.

Maybe it's because we are from Chicago.
I mean those guys were NEVER even remotely part of the "metal" scene.
I guess that doesn't really mean anything on whether or not you should like their music.

I dunno man. It's the whole "Wa AH AH AH" monkey screams that instantly turn my stomach whenever I hear Disturbed. I could care less about the length of their hair. In fact, I think they all have long hair except for the singer.
"If we get the band we're going after, then that will blow this fest wide open."

Ok, to continue to parse things that Rob never intended to be parsed in such excruciating detail, I'll say that my "3x more popular than Novembers Doom" claim is fully sufficient to match that quote. It's only "this fest" that is being blown open, not the whole world. btw, it's nice to know that we completely made up the "blow the roof off" quote! :)

He's also said, in reference to the club's capacity, "The Pearl Room can fit about 1500 comfortably, and can get up as high as 2000, but we'll probably limit it to leave room for vendors etc."

That one I just take as promoter preparation and's good to have a plan for all possibilities, even if they're very unlikely.

Perhaps I'm reading too much into this comment, but the way Rob states, "but we'll probably limit it", would seem to indicate that they could sell 2,000 tickets, but don't want to create an uncomfortable situation.

Or, that 1500 is the max capacity they would consider without vendors, and then adding vendors will bring it even lower than 1500.

Taking these statements, along with those that they were hoping to really step up this year, has led me to believe that the headliner they're chasing is a fish bigger than Nevermore.

Who was supposed to be the biggest band and headliner of PPUSA last year? Nevermore. So you're suggesting that the CPF guys want to leap *past* PPUSA? That would be a quite a leapfrog, and the lineup booked so far indicates they're well behind PPUSA status. Although I suppose an extremely top-heavy lineup could work better if they're going for a local Chicago draw, as opposed to the PPUSA case which depends on out-of-towners, and thus, a more balanced lineup.

Anyway, the fun part to all this meaningless chit-chat is that we'll all find out sometime and then be able to throw around our told-you-sos!

Maybe it's because we are from Chicago.
I mean those guys were NEVER even remotely part of the "metal" scene.
I guess that doesn't really mean anything on whether or not you should like their music.

I dunno man. It's the whole "Wa AH AH AH" monkey screams that instantly turn my stomach whenever I hear Disturbed. I could care less about the length of their hair. In fact, I think they all have long hair except for the singer.

I am from Chicago too and I think Disturbed are fairly decent. Not great but pretty good at what they do. If you listen to the 2nd album there are a lot of very good heavy Rock songs. I say 'Rock' because they basically stick to the formula of verse-chorus-verse, etc with what they have going on.

Now...if verse-chorus-verse is something you abhor, ala a typical Metalhead, then by all means go ahead and be hatin' on them, because that just explains itself.

Although I would agree with the part about never being a part of the Metal scene. Although that might have something to do with that they really aren't 'Metal' and that they got snatched up by a major label rather quickly and shot up from there.
Who was supposed to be the biggest band and headliner of PPUSA last year? Nevermore. So you're suggesting that the CPF guys want to leap *past* PPUSA? That would be a quite a leapfrog, and the lineup booked so far indicates they're well behind PPUSA status.

Nevermore has played here on their own in years past. Granted, that was a while ago, but they really don't strike me as the types that are going to suck the bankroll dry with one performance.

And what would be determining the status of better lineup of CPF vs. PP? Opinion? Personally, I think the CPF lineup is better this year even minus one band right now. That's not to say it's a 'them v.s you' comment, but rather just personal taste.
Ok, to continue to parse things that Rob never intended to be parsed in such excruciating detail...
Actually, those quotes (if I recall correctly) are pretty close to being the entire paragraph. So, I'm hardly parsing. But that not withstanding, there's been a ton of chatter on the board driven by those quotes, chatter Rob has participated in. If he felt his comments were taken out of context, he could have clarified those points at any time.

Who was supposed to be the biggest band and headliner of PPUSA last year? Nevermore. So you're suggesting that the CPF guys want to leap *past* PPUSA?
Trying to use Nevermore's status as a ProgPower headliner carries very little weight. Nevermore was replaced with Jorn (who isn't a draw) and the festival came within 30 tickets of selling out. Glenn could announce 10 bands no one has ever heard of and sell 700 tickets.

My point is, many of the same people who would go see Nevermore at the Pearl Room, would end up at Powerfest regardless. Nevermore is my favorite band. Nothing would make me happier than them as the headliner. That said, based on the clues Rob has dropped, I don't think they fit.

I dunno man. It's the whole "Wa AH AH AH" monkey screams that instantly turn my stomach whenever I hear Disturbed.
You made my point for me. You're judging them without having ever heard a full CD.

I am from Chicago too and I think Disturbed are fairly decent. Not great but pretty good at what they do. If you listen to the 2nd album there are a lot of very good heavy Rock songs.
Agreed. "Believe" (their second CD) was actually the CD I was referring to.

Now...if verse-chorus-verse is something you abhor, ala a typical Metalhead, then by all means go ahead and be hatin' on them, because that just explains itself.
Because verse-chorus-verse isn't the formula used by 99% of Power Metal bands?:loco:

Then again, who doesn't >>>>>>>>> Elvenking?:lol:
My point exactly. I'm not a huge fan of Disturbed... I just think "Believe" is a pretty strong disc. But Elvenking? :puke:

Or, that 1500 is the max capacity they would consider without vendors, and then adding vendors will bring it even lower than 1500.

Rob specifically mentioned that the 2000 possible capacity would likely be cut to 1500 making room for the vendors. Last year's paid attendence was around 300 or so which means that if the organizers hope to come close to that many tickets sold, they need a HUGE headliner for a festival of this caliber. This is part of the reasoning why I'm throwing the "common sense" factor out the window.

Whether it's a band I've thought of or not, I'm still going with my instinct that the organizers have thought "big" on this one.

Yeah, that's true. But Power Metal is TRUE METAL, don't you know? :kickass:

And Disturbed is not TRUE METAL.

LOL. Exactly. Personally, I don't care what genre the music I like falls under. I like all flavors of Metal (Black, Death, Power, Prog, etc.), as well as Jazz, Blues, Lo-Fi, etc. Music falls into two categories; music I like and music I don't.
