Should we expect an announcement this week?

Yeah, I was guilty of taking what I was reading at face value - as much as I would love to see a turnout of the 1200 - 1500 range, I no longer believe it to be an attainable (or realistic) goal.

I think Rob said he'd pretty much hope for between 750-1000, and anything more would be gravy. After that statement though he did say he was working on a headliner that would blow up Powerfest.

OK...just to clarify....

Basically, when I said the band would "blow this fest wide open", I meant that it should finally put us on the map as a reputable fest...both locally & nationally...therefore drawing more attention to the Powerfest for future years, which would help with the task of attaining bigger, more well-known bands.

And how this band will truly affect the overall attendance this year...well, it's really anyone's guess. will definitely draw attention. ;) IF we get them, of course. :erk: :p

FYI...we are finally in contact with the necessary parties, and should know very soon!! So keep those appendages crossed!! :p THANKS!! :kickass:
Wow!! I never would've thought that my words would be so scrutinized. :cool: :lol:

Damn...I really need to watch what I say around here. :p

You think that's bad, over in the ProgPower forum, several posters regularly submit Glenn's posts to their moles in the NSA to be screened by top secret decryption algorithms.

At least that's my guess why a discussion in one thread of O.S.I. lead to celebration that Lee Majors would be the special guest at last year's ProgPower.

FYI...we are finally in contact with the necessary parties, and should know very soon!! So keep those appendages crossed!! :p THANKS!! :kickass:

Thank goodness. I'm with Jasonic. This thread is seriously giving me a headache (and I don't get headaches!). Maybe it's more of a brain ache. :zombie:

I've had my own ideas as to who the "mystery" band could be, but I've let the thoughts just entertain myself. I've enjoyed reading the other posts though. Some of you guys brought bands up that I never would have thought of.

Let the suspense end soon!!!
OK...just to clarify....

Basically, when I said the band would "blow this fest wide open", I meant that it should finally put us on the map as a reputable fest...both locally & nationally...therefore drawing more attention to the Powerfest for future years, which would help with the task of attaining bigger, more well-known bands.

And to think, all this time you could've saved Britt, Neil and General Zod from having their head continuously in the clouds. Sheesh.

Sanctuary were indeed before their time.
I certainly did not appreciate them back in the day.
I probably someday should go and get a disc or two of theirs and see how it flows with me.

That being said, I am not sure how much of a "home run" Sanctuary would be, though I could certainly be wrong.
(IE - I am sure there are tons of hardcore Nevermore fans who were not around back then to see Sanctuary live)
Sanctuary were indeed before their time.
I certainly did not appreciate them back in the day. I probably someday should go and get a disc or two of theirs and see how it flows with me.

They only had two releases (Refuge Denied and Into the Mirror Black), and while they are out of print, they can usually be found relatively inexpensively. Of the two, ItMB was more polished and closer to the "Nevermorian" sound technically, while RD was a bit "rawer" and had more of an 80's traditional metal sound to it (with more high pitched wailing from Mr. Dane, that sometimes worked and sometimes didn't, at least IMO). The first release was produced, interestingly enough, by one Mr. Dave Mustaine.

Of the two, I'd recommend Into the Mirror Black - particularly if you're a Nevermore fan. That said, both are certainly worth owning.

Jasonic said:
That being said, I am not sure how much of a "home run" Sanctuary would be, though I could certainly be wrong. (IE - I am sure there are tons of hardcore Nevermore fans who were not around back then to see Sanctuary live)

While I don't think it would ever happen, as a one-off type show I think it would generate plenty of interest, particularly in a major metropolitan area like Chicago.
