Should we expect an announcement this week?

You know, Rap and Country are probably the only two genres I own no CDs from. And every so often, I'll head a Rap song in a movie soundtrack and think, "That's kinda cool". But I never stop to see who it is.



Actually I was joking about that selection. Although there were a few years that I delved into some of the harder-edged Rap that was out there, there's no way in Hell I'd be caught dead buying any of it nowadays.

And I completely agree about Country. Is it any surprise that the majority of all the Cheese-Rock-Hair band fans of the 80's found themselves latching on to it when there was no more Hair-Rock to be found?
Is that a hint? :loco:

:lol: No...haha

Also, in all your guys' analysis & scrutinizing, you never brought up any sort of reunion (no, not H&H...not this year anyway. ;)) as a potential drawing incentive...and/or possibly a special selection of songs thrown in.

Hmmmm....maybe....maybe not. :p

And yes, I am trying to mess with you guys. :lol:

Or am I? :p :lol: :cool: :heh: o_O :loco:
Also, in all your guys' analysis & scrutinizing, you never brought up any sort of reunion (no, not H&H...not this year anyway. ;)) as a potential drawing incentive...and/or possibly a special selection of songs thrown in.
Bas back in Skid Row, performing songs from the first two discs?

They call us problem child
We spend our lives on trial
We walk an endless mile
We are the youth gone wild
We stand and we won't fall
We're the one and one for all
The writing's on the wall
We are the youth gone wild


Damn!! I can't believe you even thought that was a possibility. Thanks, I guess.

We'd all have to get second mortgages just for afford the deposit for that band.

Without taking cost into consideration, it was the only band I could think of that made any sense at all from all angles. With cost into consideration, yeah, ok, instant disqualifier.

Common sense thinking is back!
Wow, I haven't even heard ELVENKING, but I would bet dollars to donuts (and I fuckin' love donuts!) that I would have to disagree with you.

Maybe it's because we are from Chicago.
I mean those guys were NEVER even remotely part of the "metal" scene.
I guess that doesn't really mean anything on whether or not you should like their music.

I dunno man. It's the whole "Wa AH AH AH" monkey screams that instantly turn my stomach whenever I hear Disturbed. I could care less about the length of their hair. In fact, I think they all have long hair except for the singer.

thanks for having my back.:headbang: :headbang:

kill the posers...death to false metal:kickass: :kickass:
Actually, those quotes (if I recall correctly) are pretty close to being the entire paragraph. So, I'm hardly parsing.

Nah, it wasn't an accusation. I meant that we've collectively typed 5000 words based upon 10 words that Rob wrote, trying extract all sorts of meaning from a whisper of a hint of a rumor, and that's just kind of silly. But, I can't stop. Aughhh!!!

My point is, many of the same people who would go see Nevermore at the Pearl Room, would end up at Powerfest regardless.

Well, that's pretty much true of any band that wasn't huge in the 80s or on a major label. And still, the numbers show that more than twice as many people listen to Nevermore as all the announced bands combined, so it seems reasonable to assume that Nevermore would double the attendance, which is pretty significant.

I guess I'm not sure why y'all assume the 1500 number is the serious target. And even if it is, it's possible that the guys are just crazy, and have no idea what they're talking about. :D That seems like a more reasonable way to solve the mystery than to assume they're getting some super-ultra-mega-band.
