Should we expect an announcement this week?

Though some people would frown on it, I would shit myself it was Amon Amarth. Love them! They are in the UK on 4/19 with nothing after that until May. That would be some serious jetlag! Hmm...

We were actually talking to AA when they came through the states with CoB a couple months ago...and they were totally up for doing the fest. Unfortunately, when they got done with the tour, they were informed by their booking agent that they had these Euro dates coming up at the same time as our fest. :(

We had the same experience with a few other bands this year...where we almost had them, then they became unavailable because of something that was already in the works prior to us making contact. Good thing though is that we've made a lot of great contacts for next year. ;) Of course it doesn't help us this year, but it's still a very good thing. :kickass:
To continue the overanalysis (why don't we have a pool going yet?), I'm betting that the delay between "we've got contact!" and any announcement is a good thing. If the response was a "no", that wouldn't take long to communicate, whereas a "yes" would require faxing the contracts back and forth to sign and all that.

On the other hand, maybe it *was* a "no", and now they're scrambling around to find another band!

Oh yeah, and, Amon Amarth for next year!!!!

Nothing against Amon Amarth, but they are here every year (or so it seems) anyhow. Not really that "wow" factor you look for in a fest.

Though I guess maybe you could have a Viking Ship set up on stage.
Make the show a little different...
As much as I want to get into this band, I just can't... I think the vocalist is awesome and the music is pretty cool, but I just can't get past them always singing about fucking vikings!

I will admit that the whole Viking lyrical theme is a bit cheesy. Good thing that I can not pay attention to the lyrics of a band when necessary! Other than that I dig them.
Hrmmm... ok. Maybe I will.
I got this $20 gift card to Best Buy from work.
I went there during lunch, and that was the only thing that caught my eye.
I figured I would hold off and check another BB.
I would have gotten the new TROUBLE, but that got pushed back.
As much as I want to get into this band, I just can't... I think the vocalist is awesome and the music is pretty cool, but I just can't get past them always singing about fucking vikings!
What do you have against Vikings? Did they plunder the village you grew up in?

Versus The World is the only one I have. Great CD, if you don't listen to the lyrics...
I love the lyrics. They're tons of fun.

As much as I want to get into this band, I just can't...

Well, that's the beauty of the live form of Amon Amarth. You don't have to "get into" them at all. No need to own a CD or care about their lyrics. You can just show up without having heard a note of AA in your life (though some rudimentary knowledge about the mechanics of headbanging would be helpful) and be sent straight to Metal Valhalla.

And while they have been on a lot of tours, they've usually been buried pretty low on a lineup of other bands I didn't really want to bother with. The only time I was them was almost a headlining performance, because the real headliner (Six Feet Under? I dunno) canceled.

'Vs. The World' would be my recommendation if you were going to get one Amon Amarth album.
