Show us your studio 2012 [room / racks / backline]

After 4 years of waiting, I finally take over the big room at our studio on the 15th of jan. The final console we're using is still to be decided (it's between a 4048E or a 4056G...tough choice:loco:) and this is there rack gear (but alot of it is the same as what will be in there) but here's some pics...





CFH, it may sound like a stupid Q, but are the drums near that bass-trap covered area do sound drier or something.. ?
Sorry I'm confused and not sure what you're asking.

By looking at those pics, the drums are on a specific corner full of what looks like bass traps or something like that (those blue panels) . Any specific reasoning the drum set is there instead of some other place with less treatment, like closer to the guitar stands? Is the question understandable now ? :lol:
By looking at those pics, the drums are on a specific corner full of what looks like bass traps or something like that (those blue panels) . Any specific reasoning the drum set is there instead of some other place with less treatment, like closer to the guitar stands? Is the question understandable now ? :lol:

ok yeah that makes more sense. These were literally display pictures the previous tenant took, so none of it is for actual tracking. Those big baffles are movable and generally are put around the kit. this means you get a super tight close kit, AND the big room sound.
@ Chris: easy choice for the console:

-what eq on both (Black E eq on both or G eq)?
-G+ upgrade on both?
-Do you like tiny keyboard?:lol:

Nice room btw;)
Mikaël-ange;10128034 said:
@ Chris: easy choice for the console:

-what eq on both (Black E eq on both or G eq)?
-G+ upgrade on both?
-Do you like tiny keyboard?:lol:

Nice room btw;)

Hahaha unfortunately it's not my choice. It's more of a business decision then which console we want.
^^ wow awesome, C_F_H_13, that is really incredible!!

i always wondered where can you purchase those big baffles, as you call them? or are they selfmade?
Mikaël-ange;10128507 said:

Yeah exactly, however...ours are also a little different. The bottom ones are actually filled with sand. They weigh alot (you need at least 2 people to lift em) but when it comes to actually trying to isolate stuff A LITTLE BIT, the sand makes a big difference.

Just to keep this thread going, here's the super small, untreated room that I do all my at home stuff. I've got a bunch of baffles on the way being made by a band as payment, but who knows when I'll actually get them in the room. I' have 6 unfinished bass traps sitting on my deck so lets see if my motivation changes in 2012.
