Show us your studio 2012 [room / racks / backline]

Where I teach.
I am normally based in the SSL room (studio 2)

My own studio



Just made some upgrades last week; I mainly wanted it to look more custom built rather than having the feeling of "acoustic panels in a regular room". :)


All the wood details here are new


This whole wall structure is new. The corner traps were there before but they are now more built into the structure. They also open, so we have storage room for cables behind, plus the one on the right hides the air intake for ventilation


Got rid of the old lump TV in the lounge and got a flat screen on the wall. The table+chairs on the left are also new additions


The new 1176 clone


...and the new Orange Dualterror
I love these threads! TGS your set up looks perfect to me. Nice outboard nice amp selection great lighting! Great job man!
I love these threads! TGS your set up looks perfect to me. Nice outboard nice amp selection great lighting! Great job man!

Cool to hear, thanks! There are always a billion things I want to do with that place but usually it's either fully booked or I can't afford it. But now the stars were aligned, hehe. The next step is to build a proper cloud for the control room, some better ceiling structure in the live room, wood floor for the live room...oh, yeah, a billion things. :p
My rack. It has since been updated with 2 more SCA preamps.


It's dark, but here's my first drum session in my live room.


Part of my guitar setup being modeled in the drum room. Missing is a JSX, ADA and Mesa Studio preamps.


Lobby area. Not shown: TV. Not yet bought: Nintendo 64 with GoldenEye and Mario Kart.


Phone shot of the control room now that I've added a futon in there. Also, giant finger.


My setup is still pretty modest and I know I have a lot of work to do to improve it, especially the control room. I've got more pictures and other nonsense on my facebook page, which you can get to by clicking the link in my signature.