In time, at the moment its MAKE money time not SPEND money ...LOL Need the HDX System and the Controllers before anything else.
Sweet Audient Desk, man! I have the small 2802 Audient Dual Layer + ASP008 (16 Audient Pres all in all) which actually replaced a big Trident Console in my Studio. Couldn't be happier with the Audio Quality. Superb Pres and the routing on their stuff is mindblowingly well though out!
Shitty cellphone photo for the moment, better photos coming soon.
We just finished up the system finally!
Same Pres:
Focusrite Octo
Protools HDX
Avid Artist Series Controllers
ELO Touch Screen (To be replaced as soon as the Raven MTi Ships in June)
3 x 32" Monitors up top
Loving the setup![]()