Show us your studio 2012 [room / racks / backline]

The current control room


The drum area

Now that my studio is not all messed up for acoustical testings and it's more presentable I can post the pics here :)

Control Room




The recording room is still in the same way as it was:


Guitar amp collection as it was in 2010. Some day I'll take another family pic how it is today. :grin:

Yeah, well.... at least my electricity bill will be a lot lower :P
I'm putting new walls in my small attic studio, will post pictures when it's finished... should be before 2013... I hope...

Eduardo how do u like the mesa titan (could spot it in there)
My bassist got it a few yrs ago. I really like that amp
can't wait to get my shit together so i can post pics in here...sick of waiting to get all the materials together before constructing it all! :mad: