That is a sweet line-up for the pre-party "showcase".
Of course, it'll be cool to get to hang with Cellador again!
Of course, it'll be cool to get to hang with Cellador again!

lots of stuff...
Why not enjoy the showcase/festival for what it is instead of questioning what it isn't?
I intend to. I did not drop money for the badges to complain.
Ray C.
Great good getting Cellador! These guys are awesome and I'm sure they'll impressed many.
I feel bad for everyone who's had to miss them due to the tours they've been on when they've come through your town. Y'all need to move to the Twin Cities, where SwordLord and SeaStorm are in the house!We've had them open for Gamma Ray and Avian as well as Sonata Arctica. I can't wait to see them again! Totally great bunch of guys; very cool to work with. I can't say a bad thing about them. Wait 'til you hear the singer!
Wow, what a great three days this'll be!
Glenn has pretty much summed it all up, but I would like to say a couple of things. First off, sorry for the lack of posts regarding all of the great responses. I just started a new job working a bunch of hours, and the wifie is 8 months PregnantGirl # 2 on the way!!!!!
Makes perfect sense to me. Rock on, Shane!I always thought of a "showcase" was to show off unknown and unsigned acts, in the hopes that they will be picked up by a label in the US.
Glenn has pretty much summed it all up, but I would like to say a couple of things. First off, sorry for the lack of posts regarding all of the great responses. I just started a new job working a bunch of hours, and the wifie is 8 months PregnantGirl # 2 on the way!!!!!
I started the "Showcase" out to put unsigned acts in the limelight. I still remain firm to that with one band, the opening band... That being sais, the offers to play from larger acts I just could not pass up.... After all this festival is about the fans, and personally I believe that they as a whole would prefer to see Vanden Plas, Circle 2 Circle, Freak Kitchen, Dreamscape etc more than a band like Krucible headline this fest.....
I took a life of it's own, and I ran with it with Glenn's blessing and support.
I am happy with the way it has turned out and the direction it has taken.
I walk the fine line between promoter and musician. Believe me it is a VERY fine line, and there are many grey areas.
Glenn has shown me the light in regards to this, and I will continue to follow his lead without completely sacrificing my original intent.
That make sense?
Why not enjoy the showcase/festival for what it is instead of questioning what it isn't?