*sigh* You just gotta love it....


Jul 24, 2002
....when people review a band like ours and then use terms like "pseudo Cookie Monster vocals" and compare our clean sections to Digable Planets and Queensryche. :erk: And the whole thing about talking about how "ballads" don't work coming from a "death metal" band....pfft. And does anyone here (i.e. people who fucking understand and get it) really consider "Rain" to be "too progressive"? LOL It's a death-ed up Black Sabbath type song with a Doors-y middle section for fucks sake. Pretty simple. That's a far cry from Prog to me :lol: I know we have some slight progressive touches at times but really, how the fuck can we be labelled "Death-prog"???

I know I've said it a million times but I'll say it again.

If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, then take a pass on our cd and shut up. I don't care if you consider yourself a qualified journalist or a critic or whatever. Stick to reviewing metalcore bands.

I'm not even raving pissed or anything....I'm more amused and slightly tired of this, that's all.
Also, that all being said....I'm fully expecting and figuring that there's going to be people who won't understand this cd or just simply won't like it. That I don't mind, as I said it's to be expected. I just don't get certain people sometimes, that's all.
Pfffft...Seems like the reviewer has something against Novembers Doom.That sucks.

I bet that guy has only done reviews on metalcore bands :)
I don't think it's anything to do with being against us particularly, it's just another case of someone reviewing a cd or a type of music that he clearly doesn't understand. In any case, I just like to pick on the critics now and then when they're being stupid lol I'm just in a bad mood today I guess.
heh. I know the feeling. picking on other people or generally being critical is a pretty good cure for being in a shitty mood. most people also need to hear that they're assholes once in a while to not go on a total self-confidence trip, which works out surprisingly well.
when I review (at least today) I look it over and see if I actually have written something good or if I'm just compiling crap together. Tried writing about "The Novella Reservoir" for metal archives a week ago or so, but I just didn't come up with anything creative to say beyond that I like it.
well I'm ranting randomly now, so I need to stop and grab some coffee
Nope, I've now seen it. No point to give them traffic.

:lol: Yeah good point. Though I guess another way to view it is "There is no such thing as BAD press"

I have not read the review in question. Though while the reviewer may not have liked it, what he or she said might appeal to someone else and get them to check it out.....
....when people review a band like ours and then use terms like "pseudo Cookie Monster vocals"

Don't they have nothing better to do than compare the best voice i have ever heard with Cookie Monster!?!
I can only laugh at such stupid comments.:lol:
I can't really comment on the album since I have not heard it in its entirety yet... (HURRY UP MR. MAILMAN!) but I'll say that I don't even know what the hell a "death-rock jam" is. Uneducated reviews are never good. Also, did anyone read the comment on that review? :lol:
Yea, that comment was funny.
Bottom line, if you are reviewing a metal band's CD, and use the words "Cookie Monster" to describe the vocals, than you have NO business reviewing said CD.
Yea, that comment was funny.
Bottom line, if you are reviewing a metal band's CD, and use the words "Cookie Monster" to describe the vocals, than you have NO business reviewing said CD.

Agreed. That classification gets annoying.