Signals ZomBass 1.0 (Fender J-Bass Kontakt Instrument)

I don't understand why some of your guys' butts are hurting so bad...

After working retail for almost a can't please everyone.

The only thing that upsets me a little is the fact that i purchased zombass 1 a couple of weeks ago
and i could have used that money on zombass 2 (as it will make zombass 1 obsolete)
i know its only 50 bucks and i will buy it for sure
but i just feel like i wasted 20 bucks...
in the end is like zombass 2 will cost me 70 bucks ...

Will zombass 2 also have "processed distorted" patches?

Kind of a bummer. Shitty timing indeed.
However, Zombass 1 is still a different bass, and it will cover different needs. Not wasted money.

We are trying to figure out what patches we are going to do. We can't do too much, as Zombass 2 without any patches is already almost 5 gB, and patches will only double that. So we are trying to figure out a way to do it without making some monstrosity file. What we want to do, is maybe include one or two, then do expansions down the road. That way we are not wasting time with patches few people actually use, and taking up massive amounts of space for nothing.

so you're going to allow resales?

i can't remember if there was an user agreement for zombass 1.0, but for pretty much all sample libraries i've seen, resales is a huge no-no.

anyway, again about the price: thinking about it some more i think the price sounds fair, as long as the product sounds good and realistic. i'll probably shell 50 bucks out when i've heard some audio demos. if this sounds great and realistic, then i'm in. :)

How did you get that out of "I'm sorry to hear that."? Hahahahaha.
Edit : I get what you're saying now. There's little we can do about it really. We just hope that our customers are not thieves and liars.

The product sounds fantastic thus far.

Eagerly waiting on this one. Do you have a target release date?

We are going to try for Sept. 30th.
So will you still have Zombass 1 for sale after Zombass 2 is out?

I have shit all money right now but I was interested in picking it up later because I don't really need something with the advanced functionality.
Öwen;10422194 said:
So will you still have Zombass 1 for sale after Zombass 2 is out?

I have shit all money right now but I was interested in picking it up later because I don't really need something with the advanced functionality.

Yup. We will leave it up.
I don't understand why some of your guys' butts are hurting so bad...
Honestly, I have no problem with the pricing wich is very fair, I think.
The only thing that is a bit bothering me is the consideration for the early customers that supported the first version of this product.
A little something would have been great, it's the thought that matters...

All the best for the release guys ;)
^^^i agree, it would've been nice to get something back or something redeemable. But this isn't a corporation like slate or NI. Taylor and Alex had no way of knowing who bought Z1 so that means the option to upgrade/cross grade is out the window.

What would you do in their shoes? And im not being an ass when I ask that. If I we're in their position I'd probably be doing the same thing. Except this time I'dtrack who bought it, that way when Z3 comes out I could give upgrade deals ;)
Each customer can provide the email they received when purchasing.
There's a transaction ID in it.
Anyway end of story, Taylor explained their position, I respect it and I don't want to sound like I claim anything.
I just wanted to explain how I and maybe other customers will perceive their choice.

EDIT : to answer your question, if I was in their shoes I'll do exacty what you say PLUS I'll provide a little discount for Z1 users :D
We are trying to figure out what patches we are going to do. We can't do too much, as Zombass 2 without any patches is already almost 5 gB, and patches will only double that. So we are trying to figure out a way to do it without making some monstrosity file. What we want to do, is maybe include one or two, then do expansions down the road. That way we are not wasting time with patches few people actually use, and taking up massive amounts of space for nothing.

In my case i would prefer
the UAD nigel dist tone as it the most difficult to achieve without that plugin (and uad card)
The catharsis tone was pretty cool too
so you're going to allow resales?

i can't remember if there was an user agreement for zombass 1.0, but for pretty much all sample libraries i've seen, resales is a huge no-no.
regardless of what a user agreement says, in Europe it is legal to resell so there is no way of knowing who actually has a software. this also then makes watermarks useless.
I'd like to know why some people feel they are entitled to a discount just because they bought the previous version of something. Some companies/individuals do it, some don't. It's not some worldwide rule of commerce that a discount is mandatory for previous customers. When you go to a restaurant do you order the $15 meal and then argue with the manager that you shouldn't have to pay full price because you got the $10 meal last time?
I'd like to know why some people feel they are entitled to a discount just because they bought the previous version of something. Some companies/individuals do it, some don't. It's not some worldwide rule of commerce that a discount is mandatory for prior customers. When you go to a restaurant, do you also argue with the manager that you shouldn't have to pay $10 for your meal because you paid $10 last time? Or more in-line with this situation... do you order the $15 meal and say you should get a discount because you got the $10 one last time?

nobody said they're "entitled"... it would just be nice, that's all. it's not mandatory by any means - just in the real world, customer loyalty is something to think about.

most people here probably are used to getting discounts in similar cases, like myself, but this way it will be as if we never supported the dev's before. in this business getting some attitude in this case most definitely shouldn't come as a surprise. how to deal with it, lies on the dev's shoulders, and as i said earlier i'm fine if there ends up being no discount as long as the product will be worth the fifty bucks.
nobody said they're "entitled"... it would just be nice, that's all. it's not mandatory by any means - just in the real world, customer loyalty is something to think about.

most people here probably are used to getting discounts in similar cases, like myself, but this way it will be as if we never supported the dev's before. in this business getting some attitude in this case most definitely shouldn't come as a surprise. how to deal with it, lies on the dev's shoulders, and as i said earlier i'm fine if there ends up being no discount as long as the product will be worth the fifty bucks.

I didn't say anyone said they were entitled. I said feel. Which is the impression I got from multiple people whining about discounts and seeing their explanations on why they feel they should get one.

Apparently my restaurant analogy went by you totally unnoticed. The same can be applied to pretty much anything... cars, clothes... literally anything you can think of, rarely is there a discount for buying the previous version. That, is the real world.

Do you need a discount on the new version of something in order to feel like you have supported the developer? Doesn't buying the previous version support the developer?

The fact that version 2 has velocity layers, multi samples and all the extras (mutes, taps, slides, etc.)... that alone is worth $50. What is wrong with you people??? :lol:
Bought it last night and had a quick play around before work this morning. Sounding amazing, all the tones are very useable. I might post something up once I've finished what I'm working on. I'd pay for the next one if I find myself needing more velocities and slides etc. but at the moment I don't.
I just bought the first one last night too! Put it in on something I've been fooling with for a while and BAM beefed up the mix really well. Steal for only 20 bucks. And I'll gladly pay full price for v2!
I've got a question for Taylor, how will the instrument know when to do up or down strokes? Is that something assignable or does it just round ribbon randomly between ups and downs? Also how will we program the hammer ons and pull offs?