Signals ZomBass 1.0 (Fender J-Bass Kontakt Instrument)

Just guessing this is how they will do it, but usually with instrument libraries that offer things like the slide/tap/mute, etc. there is just a modifier note you place to trigger that sample being played. So you'd program like an A2 then a D2 and then the modifier note so that it plays the slide sample for that instead of just going A2 then directly to D2.
I didn't say anyone said they were entitled. I said feel. Which is the impression I got from multiple people whining about discounts and seeing their explanations on why they feel they should get one.

Apparently my restaurant analogy went by you totally unnoticed. The same can be applied to pretty much anything... cars, clothes... literally anything you can think of, rarely is there a discount for buying the previous version. That, is the real world.

Do you need a discount on the new version of something in order to feel like you have supported the developer? Doesn't buying the previous version support the developer?

your analogy didn't go unnoticed. i go to lots of restaurants that give me free coffee because i keep coming to them. a lot of stores have all sorts of loyalty cards and other deals. these things exist, that's why people may 'feel' they're entitled. not to mention i was talking about this specific industry - more often than not, there are upgrade deals, loyalty deals, you name it.

i know my money goes to the developers and thus supports them, but a little 'something back' from them every once in a while in the form of a discount, whatever, is part of establishing a lasting partnership with the company in question.
I've got a question for Taylor, how will the instrument know when to do up or down strokes? Is that something assignable or does it just round ribbon randomly between ups and downs? Also how will we program the hammer ons and pull offs?


I'm honestly not sure how Alex programmed it.
In the samples he's shown me, it seems like it's determined by the timing between strokes (in the MIDI map). If it's picked slowly, it will be all down strokes, just like a bass player would. But if it's picked quickly, then it's variable.
Couldn't tell you how it's currently set up, but I'm sure Alex can properly explain it when it's finished.

We should have a sample up within the next day or two.

It's nearing completion. Couldn't make the Sept date, due to some personal stuffs, but we are on the way.

Alright guys. So. Since we are very close to being finished, how would you like to be a part of the process?

Click this:

Then make ZomBass 2 tones!
Please read the instructions.
I think the problem people have with the pricing is that they're comparing to something like Trillian which is free on the interwebs along with Cubase, Waves Mercury, and all of Toontracks products.
I think the problem people have with the pricing is that they're comparing to something like Trillian which is free on the interwebs along with Cubase, Waves Mercury, and all of Toontracks products.

Sad but true :lol: