Similar bands to Opeth

Neither Isis nor Opeth are "advanced" unless you compare them with the worst of popularised, dumbed-down music (viz. The Beatles)

The Beatles are widely considered to be one of the best popular music acts not only by popular music specialist but also by people who listen mostly to classical music and jazz and really do know a thing or two about music. If you know about any other great and advanced musical fields or have some superior knowledge (gained from listening to 10 pretentious prog rock acts I presume) then please share it with us. Otherewise STFU.
folks the beatles are really unoriginal and boring compared to opeth, that much is clear

also brb gotta wipe akerfeldt's jizz off my back
i told him to shoot me in the face but he just sorta pulled out and shot on my back. i guess mikael just isn't into me like the other fanbois :erk:
"On the Ruthless Forum (which admittedly is largely populated by sad nerds living in their mothers' basements), lots of dudes in the Death Metal section (Burning Down the Church) have been bagging on your new album saying that you guys haven't done anything new in four records and that, My Arms, Your Hearse is Opeth's best material. Obviously, I disagree, but I'm sure that sentiment is not confined to our little forum -- how do you answer those sort of remarks?"

Akerfeldt: Thanks, and yes I’ve heard that too which baffles me. I mean, how can you listen to Still Life, Blackwater, Deliverance and Damnation and fucking Ghost Reveries and say it’s nothing new?? I mean that aint right!! Unless you’re a fucking genius coming up with wicked symphonies that transcend every fucking style of music there is, then you have to admit that Opeth is fairly groundbreaking for whatever metal scene that exists. You can’t say that we do nothing new and then say that you worship Agalloch and the likes who sound like we did 13 years ago. Those people simply don’t have a clue what they’re talking about."
