Slate Digital TRIGGER Drum Replacer - Now Available

it would be cool if we could edit the included .tci files. i always delete/mute certain samples of a gog file that i don't want to hear in drumagog with ease. why would they leave this out?
i'm sorry, its not a link, that was a guide as to how to get there.. then go to products, then to Trigger, then to downloads

o dog, check out the articulations in the bottom left..
are you fucking kidding me! we can't edit the samples that come with trigger? so I and everyone else just wasted all that money on slate samples.....then bought trigger and it is totally unusable without being able to turn off certain hits. this is bullshit! I want a fucking refund....yeah you can point out the articulation all you want but it doesn't work in the real world. maybe for cock rock ac/dc shit . I could understand making it so you can't export the wav's but not being able to mute samples is ridiculous and I can't be the only person that feels this way.
Instrument Maker is cool, but it could be WAY better. Here's my experience on the OS X version so far:

-It's kind of buggy, sometimes get bursts of all the samples at once when removing an articulation.

-Why can't we have 5 hard hits and 7 medium hits without it giving us crappy warnings about there being empty cells? I know there are empty cells - just don't play samples for those ones!

-There NEEDS to be a "new instrument" button - the "add/del articulation" and "load/save instrument" parts are cool, but I don't want to have to clear things out manually or close the program and re-open it every time I want to make a new instrument.

-Who's idea was it to not have the window resizable? The maximize mode (which doesn't function like OS X's maximize function should, this is just a Windows port) forces it to the screen Finder is on - I'm dualscreening, and I don't want it to be maximized on that one. I want it to be wherever I want it, just like any other application in OS X.

-It'd be nice if the GUI could match any other OS X application out there... the current red/yellow/green buttons in the corner look very 'Fisher Price.'

-Where do we keep the AMG.text thing? I don't want to leave that floating in my applications folder - that's for applications. Maybe I'm anal, but at least I'm organized!

I could understand making it so you can't export the wav's but not being able to mute samples is ridiculous and I can't be the only person that feels this way.

You might be - I don't see a problem with it at all? What samples are you trying to mute? it's not like Slate has bad fades and voices at the ends of his hits anymore. :lol:

Either way, calm the fuck down, broseph! :kickass:
-Where do we keep the AMG.text thing? I don't want to leave that floating in my applications folder - that's for applications. Maybe I'm anal, but at least I'm organized!

This is from Instrument editor manual:

Installing TRIGGER Instrument Editor on Mac OSX

1) Extract “” into any place on your Mac HD.
2) Create alias for “Trigger Instrument” and put it into Applications folder, or on Desktop

Oh yeah - still no fix to my GUI issue, and I've not heard back from support. This is pretty annoying:

Programming it's not just a 100 lines of code. It's hundred thousands lines! So it's not a 5 minutes of work to change something in software. You have a specific system. This means that programmers have to make a new system, which will be same to your system. Then they need to reproduce this bug and only then, if there is a bug, they can fix it.
are you fucking kidding me! we can't edit the samples that come with trigger? so I and everyone else just wasted all that money on slate samples.....then bought trigger and it is totally unusable without being able to turn off certain hits. this is bullshit! I want a fucking refund....yeah you can point out the articulation all you want but it doesn't work in the real world. maybe for cock rock ac/dc shit . I could understand making it so you can't export the wav's but not being able to mute samples is ridiculous and I can't be the only person that feels this way.

Hi Scott, tell me exactly what you'd want to mute and why.. This seems ridiculous to me. If you want all aggressiveness, you can do this. If you want no aggressiveness, you can do that. If you want full range, you can do that. If you can't use the articulations to get the exact response out of the sample set, then something is strange with your mixing. We've had some of the very top mixers on the planet use TRIGGER on the latest greatest albums with the included SSD samples and the instant articulations has been a favorite feature. Instant access to what you want as a mixer. Hard, Soft, Rimshots, or Full Range. Seriously, if that isn't enough for you post your mixes so I can help you out.

I mix a lot of records, and always find just want I'm looking for using the articulations. The drums in my mixes have gotten no complaints. Scott you are more then welcome to email support and get the raw wavs and make WHATEVER SAMPLE SETS YOU WANT. You can then make some amazing custom sample layer out of the SSDs that will surely make your mixes shine. Perhaps you only want middle hits, I dunno.

Jeff thanks for the feedback on the Instrument Maker.

You might be - I don't see a problem with it at all? What samples are you trying to mute? it's not like Slate has bad fades and voices at the ends of his hits anymore. :lol:

Either way, calm the fuck down, broseph! :kickass:[/QUOTE]

yeah I'm a little irritated right yes I do need to chill, :Smokin: I don't mean any disrespect to slate a crew I know they worked super hard on this... (and I think I saw you getting a little hot about the instrument maker a couple pages back too Jeff lol) either way......been a long day. If I'm alone in my gripe about this then so be it. I'll just let it be.

but you mean nobody else mutes out some of the samples in a gog? or in some mixes hears certain samples within a set that just doesn't fit or sound good in the context of that song.. I know there are no bad fades and stuff on the slate samples, shit the reason I bought em was because they are great. but during blasts trigger will throw in a bunk hit once in a while. like crack,crack,crack,bonk,crack..... (lol don't know how to describe it otherwise)

And I'll take your advise Steven and make my own tci's from the wav's....ugh I'm lazy and it's gonna be a pain but whatever, I'll do it if that the only way..... but riddle me this...if your giving up the wavs anyway why can't we just edit them in the IM lol
i'm with you on this dude! but maybe without the anger. haha. i just could not get the results i wanted with trigger because of the "bunk hit" every once in a while. and some slate samples sound killer if you combine all crack hits from one drum and all medium or hard hits from another.
Hi Scott, tell me exactly what you'd want to mute and why.. This seems ridiculous to me. If you want all aggressiveness, you can do this. If you want no aggressiveness, you can do that. If you want full range, you can do that. If you can't use the articulations to get the exact response out of the sample set, then something is strange with your mixing. We've had some of the very top mixers on the planet use TRIGGER on the latest greatest albums with the included SSD samples and the instant articulations has been a favorite feature. Instant access to what you want as a mixer. Hard, Soft, Rimshots, or Full Range. Seriously, if that isn't enough for you post your mixes so I can help you out.

I mix a lot of records, and always find just want I'm looking for using the articulations. The drums in my mixes have gotten no complaints. Scott you are more then welcome to email support and get the raw wavs and make WHATEVER SAMPLE SETS YOU WANT. You can then make some amazing custom sample layer out of the SSDs that will surely make your mixes shine. Perhaps you only want middle hits, I dunno.

Jeff thanks for the feedback on the Instrument Maker.


Steven first off I want to apologize for the harshness...I can't imagine the hours and hard work you put into this. does trigger great....and the new features are brilliant

sometimes certain hits sound out of place with other hits. and you can hear in on faster stuff. its more of a tone issue the only way I can describe it is like when you hit an off center hit or something(not that the samples have that but in context of the song it sounds like that)
if you want I can send you a mp3 or something.

other than that this does trigger great it's picking up gravity blasts and rolls flawlessly but every once in a while it just thows in a hit from either a different layer or something that sounds out of place.
o-dog: You can easily combine all cracks hits with another samples medium and soft hits:

TRIGGER instance 1: RIMSHOTS, velocity all the way up, input all the way up
TRIGGER instance 2: SOFT mode, velocity at middle, input adjusted to get only medium hits (or soft by adjusting velocity and input).

Its easy to do.

As for bunk hits, i've never heard that said before about the SSDs but out of all the sample sets i'm sure you can find plenty of useable snares that DO NOT have any rare hits that could be heard in a blast beat.

But again, try using the articulations.. they work really well to tailor the sound. I'm still mixing the George Lynch Record and its a high intensity mix session.. I need sounds FAST. This record is very versatile in style, some aggressive, some laid back.. Its really helpful to instantly lay back the snare sound by going to soft mode, or to only use rimshots for the fast hard songs by going to rimshot mode. And the best part is because of the AMG algorithm, it all plays back NATURALLY without sounding like a machine gun. I realize some guys here WANT the machine GUN, and for that, just load two rimshot wavs and let it rip.

I'm using the updated instrument maker on some samples I made off of Adrian Ost's kit the other week, and I'm finding it to be a very powerful tool. I hope you all dig it.

edit: Scott, just read your post. Do me a favor and PM me a list of drums that seem to have certain hits that stick out, I'll look in to it. I've never heard the issue reported before, but I'm not sure how many of our users are doing the blast beats. If you get the wavs you can make some limited hit sets that might do the trick for you.

Steven, I think what Scott is saying is sometimes there is a hit in a blast that is louder than other hits and just loud enough that it triggers a hard hit instead of a medium hit for example, so you hear one out of place snare hit. The source file is at fault, not the plugin or samples, they are just doing the best with what they're given.

Scott for stuff like that I would just adjust the settings in Trigger until it triggers that part properly (usually just playing with the dynamics knob and maybe setting a different articulation) and punch that part in separately. We're all printing samples right? So just do a pass through the whole song printing 95% of the hits, then go back to the problem areas and adjust the settings until it triggers it right with the right samples and punch those parts in over top. I do this all the time to get my stuff sounding the way I want, sometimes you just have to adjust the settings depending on the part of the song.
i'm with you on this dude! but maybe without the anger. haha. i just could not get the results i wanted with trigger because of the "bunk hit" every once in a while. and some slate samples sound killer if you combine all crack hits from one drum and all medium or hard hits from another.

ugh it's been a long day bro.....I didn't mean to get so hostile lol It just felt like someone stole my slate samples and I can't use em any more.(now that I hear how tight trigger is compared to drumagog I can't go back lol)