Slate Digital TRIGGER Drum Replacer - Now Available

just installed the instrument maker, and my thoughts thus far:

I have already stated that I think the trigger plugin is great, and am very much happy with it. The instrument maker is good, but has crashed several times and really must have improvements made. I can't seem to find a way to remove samples from the grid - I accidently added the same sample twice and couldn't find an easy way to get rid of the duplicate. I've had several "the sample cannot be played as it has no velocity layer" (or something to that effect) come up, and sometimes not (in the same situations). When I have empty cells, I shouldn't have to approve the "are you sure you wan't to continue?" for every cell that is blank.

TBH, the suggestions that Jeff made seem to be spot on but then Jeff is basically 100% right all the time on everything :)

I also have a suggestion based on something that Steven has acknowledged - It would be nice to have a phase/ms delay on each channel of the mixer in trigger. as you know having bass drums perfectly phased aligned isn't always going to give the sound you are after - right now with some samples the bass is getting too much and the attack is changing a lot too. I have seen your previous suggestion on bouncing down the samples together, but I change the proportion of which samples is more prominent depending on the mix at hand (and even change the levels throughout the song. A simple fader/knob to delay one of the samples would be perfect.

keep up the good work!
nice one - I'll give it a try. my experiences with v1 have been appauling so far on my system. I know you've only just uploaded the new version, but when I try and download it its saying "download complete" instantly and just installing the old version again. Probably not you guys fault, but adding to my frustration haha.

I've just made a load of .tci's and I cant get ANYTHING to work correctly in trigger. only about 3 on the instruments load into trigger (most don't do anything when double clicked), and none make any sound. I'm getting crashes every 5 minutes in Instrument maker or so also. Ill make a support ticket tomorrow if I can't get any further with this.
TRIGGER Instrument Editor version 1.1 change log:

- Manual updated

- Added “New Instrument” button

- Added velocity automapper (“Auto” button). Now you can set velocity values just by one mouse click on this button

- Instrument Editor window is resizable now

- Now you can save TCIs with different number of alternation hits per velocity layer. For instance, you can make 10 hard hits, 6 medium hits and 5 soft hits

- Fixed bug with incorrect TCI saving on Mac PPC

- Minor bugfixes

ATTENTION! Delete old version of Instrument Maker before download new one.
Just delete old version. It'll solve your problem..., its actually gone from not working at all to working as its supposed to. cheers for getting it sorted.

unfortunately I still can't seem to find a way to remove samples from the grid. the only way i can do it right now is to create a new row or column, move the samples i dont want to that and then delete the row or column. seems a bit backwards, surely a right click and "remove sample" would make more sense?
a little shout out to Alex S and the Slate Digital Program team for some serious awesomeness with Instrument Maker update.. I'm making some crazy new sample tci's from a pop session I did in a really ambient cement room.. fun stuff.
Well this will be another "props to trigger/slate devs" post.

I'm doing a cd for a melodeath band, Just threw Trigger on the kick track with default settings, and there was maybe 1 or 2 misstriggers on the whole track I'm editing right now. Crazy stuff

Also did some custom triggers instruments earlier today, the "auto velocity" function is very much needed, good that it was implemented so quickly :kickass:

Off to sleep :ill:
TRIGGER Instrument Editor version 1.1 change log:

- Manual updated

- Added “New Instrument” button

- Added velocity automapper (“Auto” button). Now you can set velocity values just by one mouse click on this button

- Instrument Editor window is resizable now

- Now you can save TCIs with different number of alternation hits per velocity layer. For instance, you can make 10 hard hits, 6 medium hits and 5 soft hits

- Fixed bug with incorrect TCI saving on Mac PPC

- Minor bugfixes

ATTENTION! Delete old version of Instrument Maker before download new one.

this is the first time in history that literally every one of my suggestions made it into an update. if only steinberg or avid worked like this!! just wait. Since I don't have a creditcard linked with my paypal, it can take up to 4-6 days till the e-cheque clears from my bank. This is probally something new at paypal. I didn't have that before, strange... Anyhow, I'll just be patient :)..
AHhhhhhhhhhhhh need to get this update as soon as I get home today, anxious to see if I can make instruments now. :kickass: