Slate Digital TRIGGER Drum Replacer - Now Available

Is that because of trigger being more dynamic than aptrigga or because of how the samples are lining up differently between trigger and aptrigga?
Is that because of trigger being more dynamic than aptrigga or because of how the samples are lining up differently between trigger and aptrigga?

I was listening to the solo'd fully replaced track, so not blending....
dunno, the same samples (Slate1A hard) sounded weak in TRIGGER and punchy and thick in aptrigga.I'll post a comparison tomorrow
How do I get the 1.1 update? I got a hard-copy of Trigger, not the download, so I have no "email that I used to download the software"

I tried the email i used to get my iLok code, but that didn't work.
How do I get the 1.1 update? I got a hard-copy of Trigger, not the download, so I have no "email that I used to download the software"

I tried the email i used to get my iLok code, but that didn't work.

Just go to trigger on the Steve Slate Digital page and then click on the downloads tab and you should be able to grab it. I don't think I ever got an email about the update, I read about it on this thread
a full scale sample from TRIGGER when matched with its wav file and phase reversed, completely cancels out. So there is no difference between what TRIGGER spits out and what I printed when the sample was originally designed. I'm sure if a demo is posted of this mysterious phenomenon, we'll get to the bottom of it. FWIW I just printed a mix and had no issues with punch whatsoever.

a full scale sample from TRIGGER when matched with its wav file and phase reversed, completely cancels out. So there is no difference between what TRIGGER spits out and what I printed when the sample was originally designed. I'm sure if a demo is posted of this mysterious phenomenon, we'll get to the bottom of it. FWIW I just printed a mix and had no issues with punch whatsoever.

Steven it perhaps possible that the labelling of the files changed AGAIN (like so far from every version to the next?).

that would explain why the snare1A that came with trigger sounds so copletely different to the snare1A I'm using with aptrigga (that one was from 3.5 I think).

that's a thing I don't understand anyways..what used to be snare18 in 2 is now snare 20 or 22 or something etc...why not just give it a new number instead of using the same sample and giving it a different name?

anyways, I'll print a track later, you'll see what I mean
k, I'm now oficially back to aptrigga...
I really wanted to give TRIGGER a chance, but it's just too much hassle for me...
was perfectly phase accurate for the first sections in the song and then it starts wandering off (hits getting later and later)...very much like drumrehab (which has got the same problem)....
it's a pity cause I really thought trigger has got potential
Lasse, how are you dealing with dynamic multisampling in apTrigga, printing stuff in separate passes using separate sets of samples? I still really love that plugin, if I could get a good workflow going with it I would probably still use it a lot, it's really great at what it does.
k, I'm now oficially back to aptrigga...
I really wanted to give TRIGGER a chance, but it's just too much hassle for me...
was perfectly phase accurate for the first sections in the song and then it starts wandering off (hits getting later and later)...very much like drumrehab (which has got the same problem)....
it's a pity cause I really thought trigger has got potential

I can't help but think it's the settings you're using in Trigger - I have no problems with it staying 100% phase accurate besides on ghost notes, which are still a bit iffy.

I agree to an extent - I love apTrigga, but the lack of dynamics and the absolutely horrid preset management kills it for me.
Posted by Machinated
Jeff is basically 100% right all the time on everything


Trigger it's pure awesomess.
Apptriga lacks of dynamic "feel" wich means = robotic drums.

Trigger can be uber tight too if you set the dynamics and velocity proper.
Never have a problem with it. I'm a happy user, because Trigger is a time saver...very diferent to Drumagog ahaha

Obiously IMHO
k, I'm now oficially back to aptrigga...
I really wanted to give TRIGGER a chance, but it's just too much hassle for me...
was perfectly phase accurate for the first sections in the song and then it starts wandering off (hits getting later and later)...very much like drumrehab (which has got the same problem)....
it's a pity cause I really thought trigger has got potential

That's my case too...
I now use Trigger only for snare roll and some part of song where I really want dynamic.
I can't help but think it's the settings you're using in Trigger - I have no problems with it staying 100% phase accurate besides on ghost notes, which are still a bit iffy.

I agree to an extent - I love apTrigga, but the lack of dynamics and the absolutely horrid preset management kills it for me.

well, when I print the track fromt he start of the song it keeps wandering out of phase later in the song, if I place the cursor in front one of those later hits and start printing from there it's fine again, so it's definitely not the settings.

I have to admit it's an 8 minute song with LOTS of tempo changes (something that drum rehab can't handle either), and it starts being off about 4 mins into the song.

TRIGGER does get rolls and dynamics etc better, but I don't wanna have to use all kinds of workarounds if I've got a plugin already that triggers perfectly.
I know I could contact TRIGGER support and they'd gladly help (slate support is kickass), but I just don't have the time to fanny about with a plugin for weeks, I need a plugin that just works, gotta pay my rent.
so ar TRIGGER definitely has potential but doesn't really work perfectly, and I just don't have the time to be a better tester, I gotta get my mixes done.
I guess in 6 months from now trigger will probably be usable and all these little isses will be fixed, I'll give it another go then.

the lack of dynamic in aptrigga isn't a big deal for me, if I have really dynamic sections I'll just do them in a second pass.
the preset management is IMO the best in aptrigga...that's actually the main reason why I never really used drumrehab (although I have the license), fucking PITA to navigate through the built in browser.
trigger handles that better definitely. aptrigga handles the presets like trigger but supports drag and drop, which is a MAJOR plus for me cause it lets me create new presets and try things on the fly, in the project while working. I see how TRIGGER can't do that cause the presets you create are more complex, so I'm not really complaining about havinf to use the instrument maker etc, that's fine.
but I request phase accuracy throughout the whole song, even if it'*s an 8:30 song with 20 tempo far only aptrigga does that.
(I also should mention that I'm doing the sound replacing not before the mix but IN the mix-project with the CPU running high etc, that might put some extra stress on the replacement program), so it's an 8:20 min song with loads of tempo changes and high CPU stress...I see how that's a difficult task, but I still need my replacer to handle that.

speaking of "potential"...I can't say that word without being reminded of this:


on that other thing...I bounced a wee comparison, using Snare1A 100% replaced, solo'd track, once with aptrigga, once with TRIGGER to compare the sounds...I'm just not sure if I'm allowed to post is, cause it's like 6 hard hits in a row and people could "grab" them....slate?
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ok, I think I've figured out why snare1A z3 in trigger sounds so different....apparently whoever crated that preset fucked up...if you go to articulation: Snare Hard you're not getting "snare hard" but "snare rim"...I haven't checked any other presets yet, perhaps this was just an accident/ least I hope so.
anyways....will there be an update soon to fix these things?

nah, it's the same in the other presets (or at least the one's I've checked)....even if you choose articulation snare hard you're getting rimshots for your hardest hits....renders all the SSD TRIGGER presets useless for me.
I'm done

here's the example btw (I added the noise to avoid problems):

aptrigga snare 1Az3 hard
TRIGGER snare 1Az3 articulation hard
ok, I think I've figured out why snare1A z3 in trigger sounds so different....apparently whoever crated that preset fucked up...if you go to articulation: Snare Hard you're not getting "snare hard" but "snare rim"...I haven't checked any other presets yet, perhaps this was just an accident/ least I hope so.
anyways....will there be an update soon to fix these things?

nah, it's the same in the other presets (or at least the one's I've checked)....even if you choose articulation snare hard you're getting rimshots for your hardest hits....renders all the SSD TRIGGER presets useless for me.
I'm done

here's the example btw (I added the noise to avoid problems):

aptrigga snare 1Az3 hard
TRIGGER snare 1Az3 articulation hard

Confirmed, all the "Snare Hard" articulations are the exact same as "Snare Rim". Faaaaaail..... Fuck.

Actually! "Snare Hard" is the same as "Snare Full". On super quiet notes they are still playing all the actual soft samples, not just quiet hard samples :/ This sucks, so it is impossible to not get rimshots now if you want to use hard samples.

This sucks, will have to reprogram the TCIs for any Slate samples I use I guess. Is there a mistake here somewhere Steven? Does someone have the correct TCIs on a hard drive somewhere and this is all a big accident? :/
Sent a PM and ticket to support but still haven't got a response, I know you guys are slammed but need some help getting trigger to work properly. I just updated to the newest version and tried to trigger a kick track but had all kinds of problems. Trigger was shifting samples forward and backwards in time, as well as not picking up all the hits properly. After I printed the track in PT I moved them back 485 samples (as this is PT latency) and they don't seem to line up, I looked closer and the samples were completely out of phase with the original. After a couple of tests i realized the more i tweaked trigger the worse things would get, don't know what i'm doing wrong. Seems like it would be fine for total replacement using the ddrum triggers i recorded but for blending sounds with the original close mics its not working well for me. Here is a link to my files please have a look and help me find the ideal settings for kick and snare. Im on PT7.3cs10

So why not just ask to add such an articulation?
Why blame someone?
Why do you think that it is not your mistake in understanding of articulation name, but someone else mistake in instrument creation?
I see, if it is not the way you want it tio be - it is a shit =)
Even if Slate team missed something, why put a shit on them and not just ask for improvement?

So why not just ask to add such an articulation?
Why blame someone?
Why do you think that it is not your mistake in understanding of articulation name, but someone else mistake in instrument creation?
I see, if it is not the way you want it tio be - it is a shit =)
Even if Slate team missed something, why put a shit on them and not just ask for improvement?

I submitted a report with an mp3 showing they are the same articulation. Its not the end of the world but I feel like they would at least want to know so they could fix it or remove those articulations.