Slate Digital TRIGGER Drum Replacer - Now Available

Snare rimshot is not only one rimshot sample from velo 0-127 to my ear. It is have at least two layers...
Snare hard just sounds more hard. (contains harder samples as far as I understand, not only one hard sample from velo 0 to 127)
Snare full contains all the layers I think.

so if SSD snare have 8 layers -
snare soft contains - layers 1 ... 5
snare hard - layers 3 ... 8
snare full - layers 1 ... 8

something like tha I think. And the point is not for layering only hard samples, or only sift samples - but get a "harder" or "softer" sounding snare just by selecting an articulation.
anyway, I've just made a request for adding a feature that will alllow to control the layers played. So it would be easy to select only hard samples, or only rim samples...
I hope it would be implemented =)
Here's a clip triggered from midi going from like 10 to 127 of all articulations, with the dynamics knob set to 0 so that all samples play at their original volume:

It goes full, hard, rim, soft. It's pretty clear that the rim one is all rimshots and the soft one is all soft samples and the first two sound like they are playing from the same sample set to me anyways, maybe there is some sort of intelligence behind it but the way it was originally explained made it sound like hard was only hard samples, soft was only soft, etc.

If in fact "Hard" just mutes the softest samples, then it would be nice if we could edit the regular TCIs that come with Trigger :/ Just to be able to mute some samples and save copies with our own custom articulations. I understand they don't want the actual originals altered though so it's hard to say the best way to do it.
this is what I was talking about a few pages back on this thread(when I flipped my lid the day the instrument maker came out lol) I think it sucks that you can't edit/customize the tci's that came with this. certain hits within the preset articulations just don't work well within certain mixes (like it keeps putting in hits from different layers and it sounds out of place) and without being able to exclude those hits... it basically renders this useless for me...... and while I have been making my own tci's from the slate waves its a pain and I don't know if anyone else has been having problems with the tci's they have made but almost everytime I load a tci I made it freezes up (once I close/reopen it is fine then)

the kicks seem to be fine with aggressive setting, maybe the slate team can make aggressive settings for snares? like aggressive hard that would only trigger hard hits /aggressive rim only rim hits etc... and I still haven't been able to download the toms so I gave up and can't comment on how they work.

........or I guess they could save alot of work and unlock the tci's so we could personalize them;-)

and I know everyone points out the settings but I'm pretty sure that's not it.
I tried Trigger, I printed Kick and Snare tracks, shifted them earlier by 485samples and they are perfectly in time and in phase with original tracks.
Hoping it continues to work great

So why not just ask to add such an articulation?
Why blame someone?

cause how I understood it "snare hard" was supposed to have "hard" ist for the highest velocity.
that's how slate samples are laid out, use EITHER "hard" OR "rim" for the loudest hits.
And if "snare hard" gives you "rim" it's just a mistake someone made in programming the TCIs I think.
EDIT: having read the manual again...apparently "snare hard" is supposed to have "rim" hits...that does contradict the original manual that came with the samples, but it doesn't seem to be a mistake....

I see, if it is not the way you want it tio be - it is a shit =)
Even if Slate team missed something, why put a shit on them and not just ask for improvement?

I didn't say it's "shit", but I also don't want to aks for improvement 5 times until something is actually usable, my clients request professional work and I'm on a tight schedule, I need a professional tool that just WORKS without beta testing it for 5 weeks.
as I said I do see the potential and I'll try TRIGGER again when (if) all these -I admit small - flaws are eradicated...until then I'll just use a replacer that WORKS like it's supposed to.

that's not trying to give Slate shit, the product has some nice new ideas, they're customer service is kick-ass and he overall seems to be a nice guy...
but that doesn't get my mixes done, and I just don't have the time to fuck around with 3 different workarounds to get a track samplereplaced/augmented, I'll rather use a plugin that does it more accurately without all the hassle
I tried Trigger, I printed Kick and Snare tracks, shifted them earlier by 485samples and they are perfectly in time and in phase with original tracks.
Hoping it continues to work great

What system are you on? Was there much bleed in your track? Also mind showing a screen shot of your settings, I cant get a reply from support. My track was completely out of phase with the original kick and there were misplaced samples in random sections similar to Drumagog's probs. Ive read over the manual several times and it seems that i'm changing the settings correctly but cant get it to work right. Triggers really accurate on ddrum triggers but trying to blend sounds using a closed mic instrument isint working for me right now. Anyone else on PT7.3cs10 with trigger?
What system are you on? Was there much bleed in your track? Also mind showing a screen shot of your settings, I cant get a reply from support. My track was completely out of phase with the original kick and there were misplaced samples in random sections similar to Drumagog's probs. Ive read over the manual several times and it seems that i'm changing the settings correctly but cant get it to work right. Triggers really accurate on ddrum triggers but trying to blend sounds using a closed mic instrument isint working for me right now. Anyone else on PT7.3cs10 with trigger?

Sincerely I have bleed in my tracks but there are no problems. I have the mix % at 30 and the sensitivity set to recognize every good hit.
When I find the good sound I print it to a new track from the send and when it's recorded I cut the first empty bars, I select the remaining track, alt+h, shift earlier by 485 samples and the new track becomes perfectly aligned with the miced track.
I'm in PT 8
Found another bug in Instrument Editor:

If I make an instrument with multiple articulations, save it, and then reopen it, the AMG setting selection disappears for the other articulations in the set that aren't opened by default.
Also, it'd be super handy to be able to ctrl+ click samples to select multiple ones, so I don't have to individually move each thing around.

A 'duplicate' function would be ace, too - I could make my "Snare Hard" articulation, and then duplicate it, add some rows, and start making my "Snare Full" articulation right away.
I decided to give it another try.....
here's the result:


green is original snare, below that 3 different samples (the lower two are SSD)....the only sample in phase with the original is one of the slate samples (and even there not 100%)
seems to be really hit or miss with trigger...I've had projects where everything lined up pretty much perfectly also. Not in this case, I'll try trigger again after the next couple of bugfixes
Hey lasse, i tried to replicate your error and printed trigger tracks on a 5:47 long song, and trigger stays on time from beginning to the end, no lagging behind.

but yeah, dunno if it's phase accurate, might be, the samples are always a tad behind, but slate said that's how it should be to be phase accurate. Dunno, have to catch some sleep
Hey lasse, i tried to replicate your error and printed trigger tracks on a 5:47 long song, and trigger stays on time from beginning to the end, no lagging behind.

but yeah, dunno if it's phase accurate, might be, the samples are always a tad behind, but slate said that's how it should be to be phase accurate. Dunno, have to catch some sleep

did you have tempo-changes in that song?
and was it a CPU-demanding mix?
Lasse, if your problem is caused by the high cpu usage, have you tried to unload all the plugins but trigger?
I have to try with lot of tempo changes if it gives me the same problem
Lasse, if your problem is caused by the high cpu usage, have you tried to unload all the plugins but trigger?

no, and I don't want to tbh...I don't have to unload other plugins when using aptrigga.
I don't wanna have to use all kinds of workarounds to use a plugin that's supposed to work better than the alternatives