Slate Digital TRIGGER Drum Replacer - Now Available

Trigger 1.5 update came out today and it's AWESOME.

They added a velocity range control which is the most amazing thing ever. You can basically force it to trigger any sample range in the TCI that you want now, it is SO SO SO SO useful for punching in a fill or something where it gets it 100% right except it accidentally triggers a rimshot for one hit. Now you just adjust the range so that only medium and hard hits are available and it will trigger a hard hit instead of the rimshot.

Loooving this.

Great news! Lasse should be happy about that.
Trigger 1.5 update came out today and it's AWESOME.

They added a velocity range control which is the most amazing thing ever. You can basically force it to trigger any sample range in the TCI that you want now, it is SO SO SO SO useful for punching in a fill or something where it gets it 100% right except it accidentally triggers a rimshot for one hit. Now you just adjust the range so that only medium and hard hits are available and it will trigger a hard hit instead of the rimshot.

Loooving this.

good news!
does it fuck with any settings or so if you're opening a project now that you used 1.1 in previously?
I mean, can I upgrade in the middle of working on a project I've been using 1.1 on without effin up all the settings etc I made in 1.1?
good news!
does it fuck with any settings or so if you're opening a project now that you used 1.1 in previously?
I mean, can I upgrade in the middle of working on a project I've been using 1.1 on without effin up all the settings etc I made in 1.1?

Yeah I updated to 1.5 and didn't lose anything at all, all my old sessions still maintained their previous trigger settings.
No e-mail about the update - epic "running a business" fail, as usual.

What's a bigger fail is requiring a restart when installing Instrument Editor 1.2 on OS X - suuuuch a pain in the ass, thought we were done with that ridiculous business of having to restart after installing programs. I can understand with a DAW or something that runs from the get-go, but Instrument Editor? Seriously? None of the other versions even had an installer.
If Slate would make the upper and lower point for the range parameter automable I would jizz in my pants....making blast beats sound good would require a lot less work....
Definitely, filtering and basic EQ controls for individual sample banks would be invaluable. Add in a basic compressor and that's that. My only qualm with using Trigger for sample blending is the lack of ability to process each bank directly, because sometimes it just needs to be done this way for the best result.

The range control sounds interesting. I've yet to really use it on a proper real-drums project, but keen to really experiment.
Hey guys, I wanted to make sure the 1.5 was as rock solid as I thought before sending out the email for the 1.5 update.. relax it will come, and future updates will come via email notification every time. We also added some extra juice to the servers which is another reason the email blast didn't go out friday.

I love all the suggestions for TRIGGER, and I want to incorporate them. All of them. So send them to support via a ticket so I have them all logged.

I don't need EQ or compressor or anything...printing the tracks anyway, BUT
what'd be awesome is some sort of velocity dependant pitch modulation like aptrigga has.
louder hits are pitched higher than lower ones, fights the machine gun thing if you have only one sample loaded (like a D4 for example)
Was compiling TCIs today and getting some serious audio glitches with the instrument maker. It would blast all kinds of noises out at me at the beginnings/ends of samples when auditioning. Didn't want to load a certain set of samples I have altogether as well. aiff files didn't seem to want to audition in the browser, but they did within the cells. Doesn't seem to be quite 100% yet.
Hey guys, I wanted to make sure the 1.5 was as rock solid as I thought before sending out the email for the 1.5 update.. relax it will come, and future updates will come via email notification every time. We also added some extra juice to the servers which is another reason the email blast didn't go out friday.

Wouldn't logic keep you from uploading 1.5 to the website and advertising it for download as a final release of that version until you knew it was rock solid? Are you saying the people who first downloaded it before the e-mails (which I still haven't received) notifying customers of the updates were unwitting beta testers?
Ahh Jeff, it appears you have never run an digital audio company. Because if you did, logic would tell you that even though you have 50 beta members on various machines and daws.... it still doesn't matter, because there are too many variables and even the best programming team will find bug issues with certain systems. But TRIGGER has proven to be pretty damn solid, and when we do find problems, they get fixed.. quickly.
Steven, given your track record, I could make the same assumption about you having never run a digital audio company. :lol:

I was really just nitpicking at that point, but I still haven't received any kind of e-mail about the update. I don't like having to check forums to see if the products I use has been updated - Slate Digital isn't Steinberg! :lol:
email is being generated.. When PT8 came out, it wasn't blasted to the HD userbase for two months. Relaaaaaxxx.. You won't have to check forums for updates.