Snow: Ha.

The Antichrist is aroused by that notion.

The most disturbing one was with that dude that would eat people, absorb there illness, and puke them back out. These people would then be cured. Just disturbing.

But yeah uhhh, snow, MO sucks uhhh......I don't know.
i like the snow. unless like, i am skiing and i fall down and i get snow down the back of my pants. then i dont like snow. i also dont like people eating my illnesses and vomiting them back up, even if it cures me.
There was a cool Friday the 13th: The Series with this faith healer guy who could cure illnesses with a Jacko-lookin' glove by sucking the illness into his own body. Superior series to the X-Files in some ways.
Holy crap is that a weird story. Did the disease have anything to do with his brain, cuz that's a pretty messed up way of thinking: "Instead of telling my family I have a disease, I'll skip the nice last moments we might have had and just let them wonder what happened to me in America for 10 years or so."
the guy obviously wasnt the brightest bulb on the tree. but it's sad that you know.. he knew he was ill and he just kept it to himself and even shot himself inside the wall so his family wouldnt see it! it's so sad.
There's some horrible curse type thing and Ryan gets transformed into a little boy with no memories of his entire life or friends or anything, and gets taken away to be raised again and live his life over. And the redhead sheds a single tear.
it would be bizarre for someone to go through that much trouble to kill someone else when everyone knows that it's easier to cut their head off with an axe and feed them to bears.