Snow: Ha.

That guy was from Lucca. My Italian ancestors hail from there. Maybe he's related, although they immigrated in about 1760, so it would be too distant to count. Still, sounds like something I'd think of. Sure beats being found dead in your garage or bathtub. He gets points for creativity.
Originally posted by deadair
yea... but the axe-head-bear thing is soo passe.

a ten year plan... now you've got something.

well, it's only passe if it's bears that are NOT currently in hibernation who are woken up to perform said eating.
Update: It fucking SNOWED here this evening. How crazy is that? We got maybe 3 inches even. That means probably no classes tomorrow! Everyone was going crazy due to the cold white stuff falling from the sky.
it's snowing here in manhattan right now and it's beautiful. i went for a walk with my friend. it rules! the snowflakes are awesome and are the kind that stick to your eyelashes.
Last night we all ate mushrooms and walked around and looked at the ice and salt crystals on the street and the snow in the sky. How the heck can you live in a place that doesn't get snow?
i admit that I miss the snow. That's why I'm going north for a short vacation just after new years. I usually at least try to make it to Yosemite every winter. Yosemite + snow = amazing.
snow is cool....but it's not cool when classes aren't canceled, so it takes you an hour to drive to the campus, and you alomost die 3 times, and your proffessor doesn't show up, and you don't have to be at work until 2pm so you end up wasting away a good part of your late morning/early afternoon on internet message boards....
Our snow has now melted.
