So Andy cut his hair...

looks good, some guys look like shit with long hair (I am the best example) others look better with
long hair, that's it...and Carlos-I told you that you should stop calling me a fag!
So you think men with long hair are gay? :guh:

No, I was implying that saying guys with long hair attribute feminine characteristics is at minimum homophobic if not also misogynist.

My hair is passed my shoulders BTW, has been that was for over 10 years now. I am almost 23 and there have only been around 5 years where I didn't have long hair, even as a small child. Its a preference.

Besides metal is supposed to be non conformist, but the expectation that to be metal you need a be a pissed off middle class suburbia white male with horrible sense of fashion and long, scraggly hair completely screams hypocrisy, as that mentality if very "conformist".
*reads a couple posts*

Besides metal is supposed to be non conformist, but the expectation that to be metal you need a be a pissed off middle class suburbia white male with horrible sense of fashion and long, scraggly hair completely screams hypocrisy, as that mentality if very "conformist".

I've always thought that notion to be a bit odd since metal is probably no more so non-conformist than almost any other form of culture what with it's "uniform" specific to genre of course. ;)

I've always thought it sort of funny that the Harley Davidson crowd think themselves rebels all the while dressing to conform to other bikers regardless of societal situations relating to economic, career, race, location ... type factors.

Can one really call themselves non-conformist when they dress and act like every other person trying to say their a rebel or non-conformist as well?

Just saying.... :muahaha: