so called "POST ROCK"

i'll listen soon, but i downloaded the whole golevka album and i'm going to listen to all of this first, because this is the first band in this style i heard that genuinely impressed me
Taijin Kyofusho is pretty much the most beautiful song this brand of post-rock has to offer. Get the CD if you can, the packaging is great.
I'm kind of fed up with the genre now, the noodling, the big swells, etc., there is a damning lack of combinations overall.

For something less pathos-laden but solid and beautiful with a cotonny, shoegaze feel, I'd certainly go for Bark Psychosis.

Otherwise, apart from said Evpatoria Report, the classic Montréal stuff (GY!BE and ASMZ) is all I go back to from time to time, it's just very superior creativity-wise. That and Sigur Rós' brackets album, which is exhausting in a positive way.
Sigur Rós' brackets album, which is exhausting in a positive way.

That's a pretty apt description.

My favorite song on the Golevka album is the final track, Dipole Experiment. Soul-stirring!!!

That album is probably my favorite and most listened to post-rock album.

I also agree about P-R becoming totally redundant.
My favorite song on the Golevka album is the final track, Dipole Experiment. Soul-stirring!!!

YES. The first time I heard this album I was on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean finishing the book 100 Years Of Solitude and the last five pages or so happened to coincide with that song. It was.... perfect.
Speaking of Magyar Posse, they are one of the only truly different "post-rock" bands out there and Random Avenger was criminally underappreciated.
What does underappreciated mean at all...
So yeah it did not make the big headlines, but I've seen only good reviews and it certainly reached out to the people who care about it, leaving the band where it belongs in the scene and certainly very happy with it
I love post-rock. Hate the name of the genre, love the music.

Most of what I'd recommend has already been mentioned. Sigur Rós is a persnal fav. Untitled #8 from ( ) is so incredibly fucking good live:

And Explosions in the Sky's The Birth and Death of the Day is fucking great:

Surprised nobody's mentioned Mogwai yet. These Scots have been prominent since 1995. Take Me Somewhere Nice:

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very pretty cover art, i will say that much right away (listening now)

edit: i'm working my way through all the youtubes here but what i'm wondering right now is where is the "rock" in most of these "post-rock" songs