Post Rock

Definitely check out the new This Will Destroy You S/T album. Its extremely beautiful. One of my favorite post-rock albums ever.

m3's and vincent's lists are what i would recommend for the most part. Add Yndi Halda, Stellardrive, sleepmakeswaves, pelican, ghastly city sleep, faunts, ativin, kwoon, and some others people already listed here.

Mono, Sigur Ros, and GYBE are probably my favorite post-rock bands.
They haven't had any of their albums at the stores near me. I need to find some of their stuff. Great band indeed.

I did something I never do, and went to iTunes.

I hate buying from iTunes, but I wanted to listen to them since they get so much praise.
I'm fucking seriously, MOGWAI!!! And Red Sparowes! And MONO!!! And... and... and MOGWAI again!!! And there are two perfect post-rock albums I have to mention (classical): A Love of Shared Disasters by Crippled Black Phoenix and Radio Swan is Down by Laura - must listen if you want to know what IS post-rock.
Explosions and Red Sparowes are my favorites from the genre, both are amazing live and on record. Next month I'll be seeing the Sparowes twice, once with Agalloch :Smokin:
Hm. I saw Mono and Jesu play last Dec. Mono blew Jesu away.
It was ace.
Pelican are really good live too. But watch out for the faces one of the guitarists pulls. I was crying with laughter for most of that set.