So I going to finally try


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
I'm quitting smoking. Just had the final cigarette in my pack, and I am determined to do it this time.

I'm sick of spending nearly $1000 (conservative estimate) on cigarettes every year.
I'm sick of always having a hoarse, phlegmy voice.
I'm sick of how it makes my clothes & hair smell.
I'm sick of never feeling 100% healthy.
I'm sick of the way they contribute to browning my teeth despite constant brushings.
New Jersey (as well as New York, etc.) are all going non-smoking in bars/restaurants, if they haven't done so already, so that should help.

Just, enough.

I'm quitting. Please wish me luck.
good luck dude ... used to smoke 2 packs a day and quit cold turkey ...
once the withdrawal symptoms fade ... about a week or two of jitters ... the hardest thing is to find something to do with yourself.
but it all fades eventually ...

and watch the overeating too ...
lurch70 said:
good luck dude ... used to smoke 2 packs a day and quit cold turkey ...
once the withdrawal symptoms fade ... about a week or two of jitters ... the hardest thing is to find something to do with yourself.
but it all fades eventually ...

and watch the overeating too ...

yeah, I'm most worried about the last part. I'm hoping if I can make it until late February (1 month), I'll invest in a decent pair of sneakers and begin running again.

I need to get back in shape, and I need to find a chick and get my energy & confidence back. It's all part of my master plan. :D
Good luck man.

I suppose I'm lucky in that I can buy a pack for a weekend, and then not smoke again for 8 months....I don't think I've ever had an addiction to anything, but I hear quitting ciggies is harder than quitting heroin.
haha @ double post

jayk: ya. would you believe that god damn! until wacken 2005, i had NEVER smoked in my entire life, ever! and now i have no real problems with it because it's pretty nice but ONLY when i'm drunk!
good luck to ya!! you'll surely feel a lot better after a while.

and just for climb thar hill i shall ask "oh you've got some copenhagen?" ;)
maybe you are a night person ... some people have more energy as the day fades ... serious.

i sometimes work till 2am sipping some wine
When I excercise. I'm still groggy as shit in the mornings. But I get fired up in the afternoon and simmer through the evening.

I need to start again as well.
Best of luck man. Although I'm not a smoker, both my Dad and my Sister have attempted quitting in the past. My Dad was successful, my Sister was not. My Dad went from 3 packs a day to cold turkey. Just amazing will power. My sister is at like a pack a day or something but has tried to quit about 30 times over the last 10 years. A very, very difficult thing.
the biggest motivator is if a doctor tells you something to the effect of ... "quit or else ..."
i had problems with my stomach back then, and the smokes were irritating it also, at least I was told that ... of course that made me quit in a jiffy.
yeah man, you can quit cold turkey. it's do-able. my ol man quit drinking and smoking on the same day and never turned back. he's crazy as hell but he's all the better for it.
good luck