I loooooove to smoke.

So at yesterday's family Christmas party, I was pacing around restlessly, and my aunt asked "Are we going to have to drug you or something?" I replied "Yes, please, drug me!" and she beckons me over to a cabine, pulls out this huge jar of homegrown weed, and tells me to take it to my cousins in the back. So I go back there, and we round up the other stoners, and I end up smoking like three bowls with my two cousins, my dad, and a handful of other relatives. It was awesome.

Anyway, weed is good. I've smoked a LOT of it over the past semester, more than I did in my life before that, and I still haven't paid for it once. I'm very proud of that.

Cigarettes...bleh. Never smoked one, never plan to.
I smoked weed with my dad once, that ruled. I've never paid for it either, and that rules too.