I loooooove to smoke.

Hm.. they are members of the Earth Liberation Front. Some of those guys are total cunts, but the idea behind the group is good - despite them doing completely illegal things.
I am with J about smokers. Not only they harm their health, but they harm all others within range. And of course it must be the crappiest/with no use habit/hobby a person can have (tied with hunting)
From first hand experience- smoking sucks. I quit a few months ago after smoking for 5 years or so and the effects on my health were very noticably after only that short period of time. Asphyxiation is not an enjoyable feeling.
Smoking fucking rules. I like weed too, but it's like a cigar to me, just a few times a year treat.

(that's a kickass Agalloch shirt btw)
Smoking is still nasty, but I cannot deny that I will enjoy a cigar or clove cigarette once in a couple months. Just... all these shitty tobacco products that America has bring disgrace to most of the genuine stuff. What type do you smoke, Nad?
Marlboro Lights because I'm a wimp smoker now and prefer to not kill my throat. And yes I know about all the nasty unnatural shit they put in them. :loco:

I've experimented with all kinds of brands, Pall Mall non-filters were probably the best, but I can't smoke something that potent anymore. Or at least I don't anyhow.
Yeah cogs rule. I'm thinking about enjoying a Christmas Smoke right about now.

Marlboro Lights are shite, but they don't hurt my throat and convince me that I'm not doing much harm to myself. I mean come on, they're light. :dopey:
I do like a good smoke throughout the day. First thing in the morning, just before going to bed, and after meals is best...and then whenever throughout the day when I get bored. Daddy went to Poland a month or so ago and brought back loads of cheap Marlboro, which are looking to run out round about the next time he goes to Poland :D

I must be one of the only people who likes the smell of tobacco. As far as health issues go...bugger it. Just about everything you do is bad for you anyway. My problem :loco: I also enjoy pissing off self-rightous non-smokers...as soon as they start whining, they get a cloud of cancerous death in their face :heh: bwahahahahaha!!!!!!!