So I going to finally try

Personally I could go for a smoke now. I don't use tobacco unless I'm with a certain friend... sometimes we just like to go to this certain spot in a state park here and chill for a few hours. We decided to stop buying pre-rolled stoges, we're going to start rolling our own. Cheaper, tastier, fun to do, and better for you.
Where do ya get your Cigar information? Just curious, because Onyx where rated the number 1 non-cuba cigar in the world by Cigar Affecianado.
CA is considered a joke among serious cigar smokers. Quoting CA would earn you as much respect at a cigar dinner, as coming on this forum and going on and on about what Hit Parader thinks about the new Children of Bodom CD.

For starters, their ratings are tied to advertising dollars. Second, they readily admit that their tasters only smoke the first third of each cigar they rate. Lastly, their tasting notes ("hints of lemon peel", "notes of brown sugar") are an industry joke. I only look at the CA ratings when I want to laugh.

To answer your question, I tend to get my recommendations from alt.smokers.cigars. It's a newsgroup dedicated to the love of cigars. I also like the new "Cigar" magazine put out by JR's. That said, I've smoked literally everything from Astrals to Zinos. So at this point, I only try something new, when there's a good buzz about it (sort of like CDs).

good luck jersey
I have real problems with smoking
I smoke roll ups so its hardto judge how many, maybe 30-40 a day

I have to smoke about 3 before I go to bed just to be sure I'm topped up
sometimes I take nicotine gum to the cinema....
the longest I managed was 3 months a couple of years back, using 24 hr patches i was still craving like fuck, but after a few weeks I was amazed at how much less pain drumming was causing me...because i actually had some oxegen in me

other attempts I've become a nervous wreck, forgetful clumsy etc

I think its much easier to cut down on drinking than smoking
but for very serious reasons (my da + a lot of his side of the family is a complete medical mess due to smokes + booze)
I really must quit, but theres way too much stress in my life right now to add any more

good luck man + keep it up