So I'm now the second Sneapster...


Feb 20, 2005
To buy a Recto cab from Richard Z of Rammstein! :D He had a bunch listed on craigslist, and lolzgreg on here picked up a Recto straight cab from him a few weeks ago, and today I went down and paid him $480 for a Recto slant! :D Really awesome, friendly dude, and I actually picked him up at his lower east side apartment and then drove him to his storage space (the location of which I will not be disclosing ;)) and all the while we talked gear, recording (he's big into it), and of course our common love of 2-channel Rectifiers :heh: (though of course he's got more than a few years on me in that department!)


Hatchbacks Rule!



Fuck yeah, no shortage of pride there! :rock:

Clips (many, many, many clips) soon to come!
Nah, he mentioned he was flying back to Berlin in a few days for the mixing of their new album, and I think that's where they're still based out of - they tracked their most recent album in California, though, and he seems to be pretty settled in NYC!
And just to think they are selling their gear because the new album is going to be predominantly guitar rig 3 :Smug: (at least thats what paul has been saying!) Thats well cool you got the cab from Richard, i'd be stoked as i love rammstein- potentially the best live act ive seen EVER. Hope you asked him how to safely set your guitars on fire hehe.

Oh yeh Marcus, your steering wheel seems to be on the wrong side of the car dude :heh: :lol:
Hahaha, MY GOD Kev, you're right, how could I have never noticed all this time? :lol: And yeah, it was funny, he was talking about how he kept having to "battle" Paul cuz he likes all the digital/modeling stuff (he's always been the big crusader for the Sansamp out of the two) and Richard is all about the Rectifiers (he said he had like 15 at one point!) and tube might!

AND HOLY SHIT - I just cranked up this beast, and truly I tell you (as Jesus would say), you don't know power until you've played this combo of head, cab, and pedal; astoundingly ballsy, but SOOOOOOOOOOO much clearer and less stuffy than the Stiletto cab (cuz the emphasis is shifted down from wool to "thunk")'s my ensemble:

Congrats Marcus! I can imagine you are extremely satisfied with it, don't think I have ever seen a bigger Mesa (rectum frier at least) fanboi :goggly:
Looks like it's in great condition!
We want clips ASAP!
Thats friggin awesome! The cab, yea, cool, but you got to hang out with Richard from Rammstein! They're one of my all time favorite bands! I'd be a total fanboy and probably make myself look like an idiot asking all sorts of dumb questions. Can't wait for them to come back to the U.S. :kickass:
Congrats dude. Welcome to the "OS Slant" club. You think the Trad and OS sound different in the room. Wait until you throw a mic at it.
Big +1 on the "don't have to break in the speakers".
Congrats Marcus! I can imagine you are extremely satisfied with it, don't think I have ever seen a bigger Mesa (rectum frier at least) fanboi :goggly:
Looks like it's in great condition!
We want clips ASAP!

Guilty as charged :D And you'll get 'em! Though you're right to say Rectifier specifically, cuz so far I've really not been impressed by anything I've heard of the Mark IV (and the older ones I don't count cuz they're, well, old :D), I feel like a lot of people might just love it cuz it's the sorta Mesa underdog in comparison

Your shoes are nice. :kickass:

Haha, thanks dude

Thats friggin awesome! The cab, yea, cool, but you got to hang out with Richard from Rammstein! They're one of my all time favorite bands! I'd be a total fanboy and probably make myself look like an idiot asking all sorts of dumb questions. Can't wait for them to come back to the U.S. :kickass:

Haha, yeah, I have to admit I don't know much of their discography (I only have Sehnsucht, but have heard the singles off the other albums), but man, he was a fucking awesome dude, really friendly and very knowledgeable about recording (though somewhat guilty of the "YOU NEED AN AMAZING PRE FOR NOT-SHIT GUITAR SOUNDS!!" syndrome, but hey, he's in Rammstein, he's got the budget to think that way :D), and it was fun chauffering him around as well :lol:

Congrats dude. Welcome to the "OS Slant" club. You think the Trad and OS sound different in the room. Wait until you throw a mic at it.
Big +1 on the "don't have to break in the speakers".

Thanks, I'm looking forward to it!


will you make new impulses with the new cab? :notworthy

You better believe it! :D
you should check out rosenrot and reise reise, they are really good albums. Also they have really great sounding production.

Nice score on the cab. I was messing with my coworker's cab the other day and damn those things weigh a ton.
I know, I was referring to the use of "an" before a consonant (it's a big 4chan thing to say "an hero," don't ask, they're weird...) And I agree about the top speakers, but I prefer a slant for live playing, and for recording that's why there are the bottom two speakers! ;) And seeing as how straights Recto cabs didn't exist until about two years ago, all the great Recto cab tones of years past were thus recorded with slants, so I'm not too worried!