So Mikael Said Hammerfall Was His Favorite Band Last Night.........

haha dude MUST not know who hammerfall is. he said that as a total joke. thats why i then shouted manowar, because they too suck and are totally cheesy... as michael said.
so this is goodbyyyyee, i take leeeaave you and, spread your wings and you will fly..awaayy noooww.
Indeed, I concur with the cheesiness. But glory to the brave has some catchy songs none the less, like that ultimate ballad. overall, hammerfall needs to stop.
It's pretty much common knowledge that the band doesn't like Hammerfall. This is from the Discography section of Opeth's website about the "Steel" EP...

The project was born on a coffee break when Dan Swanö, myself and our ex-drummer Anders decided to record a metal track for fun. Both songs on the ep are very tongue in cheek classic heavy metal tunes. It was fun at the time, but then along came Hammerfall and they were serious about it.

I actually listen to Hammerfall occasionally, but then again I'll listen to almost anything. Oh, and Manowar are great. :)
Hammerfall may be the epitome of cheese and stuff, but they're pretty funny, and some of their songs are pretty catchy and fun. And it's not all happy, look at glory to the brave, always will be, etc..

so in conclusion: leave hammerfall alone!
they're probably good guys and they have their place in metal :p

cheesy? yes
a big joke? yes
horrible? ... you decide

(i crack myself up sometimes :()
I have GTTB from Hammerfall. Good musicianship. Jesper Stromblad(In Flames GUitarist) plays drums on that album. And, that's where Glenn Ljungstrom (ex In Flames guitarist first three albums) went for a few Hammerfall albums. It's happy-ish power metal influenced by early Helloween, 85-89 era. It's hard to listen to more than a few times a year, because it is a bit schlocky. Mikael has stated over the past few years, that he's not into the power metal music: he's friends with some of the bands, but it's not his cup of tea.