So what are the chances we get an announcement before 2/12?

I totally agree. I wish I had more money and reliable transportation, I would love to go to the Heathen Crusade and Prog Power. But I am very lazy.
But I have always had fun at all the other fest I have gone to, from Milwaukee Metalfest, Alehorn of Power, and last years Powerfest.
I think I'm going to check out the Alehorn fest this year. It's an easy trip up from here in central Illinois, and I'd like to check out Slough Feg, Novemeber's Doom, and others.

I think I'm going to check out the Alehorn fest this year. It's an easy trip up from here in central Illinois, and I'd like to check out Slough Feg, Novemeber's Doom, and others.


I would highly recommend the Alehorn fest. It was pretty good last year.
Slough Feg were great. Twisted Tower Dire were a bit off that night, it seemed when they were in sync they were really good but some songs they were really off on. The singer left the band a few months later....maybe they were having issues. It was funny because he thought he was some sort of celebrity. Jason and I kept watching him hit on this punk girl who worked there. She could care less about some old bald fat guy singer for a metal band. He had no clue. It was really funny.

My only issue with the fest last year was that they had some tech issues early on and it pushed things back and cut some sets short. Good part is there is pool tables and a couple floors to get away if you want.

The sound is pretty good there too. You can also see the stage from lots of
different angles. Plus this years line up is looking really good.
Yes, Alehorn was fun, but ran WAY too late.
I was yawning (literally) during Manilla Road's set.
The energy level on stage and off was gone toward the end of the evening.

Aside from that, the Double Door is a great venue.

Slough Feg are a great live band.

Bob - I didn't know the singer from TTD left? He was a goof. In all honesty, I felt he ruined their set. Remember he kept lifting up t-shirts of the other bands on stage?
Slough Feg were great.
The one time I saw Slough Feg in Brooklyn, they were the most boring band I've ever seen. However, I heard (from the same crew who saw them suck in Brooklyn) they slayed at HCII.

Twisted Tower Dire were a bit off that night, it seemed when they were in sync they were really good but some songs they were really off on. The singer left the band a few months later...
Never saw them with their old singer. Just caught them with their new singer. He's got a much more unique voice. Definitely an upgrade.

Manilla Road were the biggest letdown for me in 2006. What a dull performance. Dont know if it was because it was almost 2 AM when they got on stage or that there was no energy coming from them. It was a very laid back crowd too. Not the usual people are the show from the area.

Yeah. that goofball singer left for personal reasons late last year. They have a new singer...dont know if he is as good. That was weird that the singer for TTD kept picking up T-shirts from other bands and holding them up to get the crowd going. He kept holding up that damn Winterhawk shirt thinking people would get excited. It was funny when the sound guy had to keep going over and fixing the PA becuase the singer kept putting shirts over the speakers. the best part is when the singer tried to high-5 the sound guy and the sound guy just stood staring at him for a few minutes and walked away and left him hanging. It was a very odd experince.

It did seem that most were there for Bible of the Devil and Slough Feg.
I was dissappointed with Manilla Road too.
They are very good on disc.
It seems they are the main guy and then two hired guns...

I forgot about the sound guy getting pissed. That was funny.

Morgana Lefay were a bit of a dissappointment for me last year too, as far as live shows go. Also attributed to technical difficulties and show going late.
Aside from that, the Double Door is a great venue.

Just a little bit of trivia for you all....
The Double Door used to be a country and western bar before the "yuppies" took over the area.
We used to go there on Thursday nights (I lived about 3 blocks away from there at the time), it was .25 cent drafts. The room downstairs (is there STILL a downstairs room there?) had a few old dartboards and a pool table that leaned so bad the pool balls wouldn't stay where you hit them hehehe....The upstairs ceiling had insulation hanging from it, and the walls and bathrooms were not too nice, to say the least, and the only music on the jukebox was country. Needless to say, the Double Door has come a long way eh?
OK, now back to the previous topic at hand ;)
Fuck! I missed Slough Feg? WTF did they play Chicago?
They are playing again this year at the Power Of The Alehorn Fest in Chicago. That fest is like a gathering of bands from the Cruz Del Sur label.


SLOUGH FEG, NOVEMBERS DOOM Confirmed For ALEHORN OF POWER FESTIVAL II - Jan. 27, 2007 SLOUGH FEG, NOVEMBERS DOOM, BIBLE OF THE DEVIL, CRESCENT SHIELD, WIDOW and VALKYRIE have been confirmed for the Alehorn Of Power Festival II, set to take place Saturday, June 16 at the Double Door in Chicago, IL.

According to a press release, the festival "reunites some of the best emerging forces of American heavy metal, and it is intended as a tribute to all the overseas metal fans who have been incredibly supportive to [Italian label] Cruz Del Sur Music activities through these years."

Tickets will be $13 in advance through the Double Door box office or and $15 at the door the night of the event.
Fuck! I missed Slough Feg? WTF did they play Chicago?

They played last year in June at the horrible un advertised Alehorn Of Power Fest. It was

Manilla Road, Slough Feg, Twisted Tower Dire , WinterHawk, Bible of the Devil and some other band.

It was really empty and a good time.

They also played there a few months earlier too with Bible Of The Devil. It was a week night show. This will be the third time in Chicago. Double Door gets odd Metal realy have to watch the Reader(local chicago paper) or go to the web page once in a while.
stronger rumor is that Jason (Jasonic) will be opening his wallet at the show to buy is a rare a solar eclipse and Halleys Comet.

What is your fascination with me?
I am not THAT good lookin!

If there is something I want, I will pay for it regardless of price (IE - pre-order for new Novembers Doom, etc).

Sorry that I didn't want to pay $25 to see EPICA with you.
That still seems to bother you for some reason.