Soilwork, In Flames, and At the Gates - Random Thoughts

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
It seems that these bands are destined to be forever linked. I have yet to read a thread where either Soilwork or In Flames was mentioned, where the other one wasn't. Granted both of these bands draw influence from At the Gates, but I still find it strange that they are always compared to each other, given how different they sound from each other. That being said, let me make a few points that I'm sure will end up getting me flamed.

- Personally, I prefer Soilwork's CDs to those of In Flames. I think that Soilwork is the more musically gifted of the two bands, and their music is often more accessible.

- In a live setting, there is no competition between these two bands. In Flames is infinitely the better live band. Although, as I said previously, I feel that Soilwork's music makes for more of an enjoyable listen, and I feel that they are more musically gifted, they aren't very good live. They are somewhat stiff, often less than tight, and seem to have little idea how to play to the crowd. In Flames, on the other hand, are one of the best live bands I have ever seen (and keep in mind, I'm not a huge fan of In Flames). Anders, though not a great singer, is an absolutely phenomenal frontman, and really knows how to work a crowd.

- I simply don't get the whole At the Gates thing. Let me preface that comment by saying that I wasn't listening to Death Metal when they were the preeminent Death band. Regardless, after reading so many reviews that referred to "Slaughter of the Soul" as by far the most groundbreaking musical work of the 20th century, I felt compelled to pick it up. I'm sorry to say, I simply don't find it all that impressive. What am I missing here?

By the by, I caught Killswitch Engage last night (with Soilwork) and thought that they were excellent. Anyone else into these chaps?

i agree... i've tried at the gates and to be honest didnt find them to be the outstanding band everyone says they are, i find their music (i'll be killed for this) boring...

on the same thought i think In Flames are fairly overrated, they are a good band, i cant really get into them myself but they're not as good as everyone makes them out to be....

soilwork however, NBC is one of the best albums i've heard recently, cant get enough of it
I´ve been listening to At the gates since "Gardens of grief" 1991 and I must say that I have a totally different oppinion on the "At the gates thingy".
When the album "Slaughter of the soul" was released 1995 no other band sounded like that!!! Now almost every "Swedish/Nordic style" band (Haunted, In flames, Soilwork, Forsaken etc) have influences from At the gates. Ok... This is MY oppinion... Someone else might disagree...
Originally posted by Silent Downfall
and at the gates, what's there not to like? SOTS is am amazing album. how can you not get it? you must not be into melodic death metal much. ah well.

I am not huge into Death Metal. I like a lot of the heavy hitters; Opeth, In Flames, Soilwork, Dark Tranquillity, etc. But I would hardly say it's my favorite genre.

I think that all of these bands have some memorable moments and that they all have singers who suck so much that I don't listen to their music on a regular basis.
Originally posted by Liquid Tension
I think that all of these bands have some memorable moments and that they all have singers who suck so much that I don't listen to their music on a regular basis.

Tomas Lindberg suck? You Blasphemer!
General Zod, were you at the show in South Amboy, NJ?

I was at that show and I saw In Flames live a few months earlier. I don't know, I think I liked Soilwork as much or more than In Flames. Soilwork is more intense and the guitar solos (especially from Chainheart Machine) are simply amazing, in my opinion...
Originally posted by Useful Idiot
General Zod, were you at the show in South Amboy, NJ?

South Amboy? At Krome? When? I wasn't aware that they played there.

I've seen In Flames headline, with Nevermore, at CBGBs. I also saw them open for Iced Earth in NYC at The World and in Philly at the Trocadero. All three times, they were absolutely phenomenal. And when I say that, keep in mind, I'm not a huge fan of them. But they are one amazing live band.

I saw Soilwork on Sunday at Krome in South Amboy, and as I said, they just didn't do it for me. They were solid... just not great. Interestingly, there seemed to be a lot of people who came specifically for them (including me), as the club emptied a good deal before Hypocrisy came on. And yet, the crowd didn't seem all that into them. As a matter of fact, the crowd seemed more into Killswitch Engaged (who, by the way, kicked ass!).

Originally posted by Misanthrope
This is why you should all shut the fuck up and become DT fans, DT owns all 3 bands.

DT is a much better band then these three but, Stanne sucks as a singer also!:rolleyes:
I disagree i like his vocals. Whenever you like him or not i think we can safetly say he does better vocals than the 3 bands in question anyway, great growls, some of the best cleans and ( specially on the upcoming damage done ) quite a bit of variety from disk to disk