Solens Rötter release date

I'm so excited haha! Hey Draugen just wondering have you found any more rare Vintersorg related demos, bootlegs or whatever lately? I downloaded everything from your site a while ago but I'm wondering if there's anymore floating around as I'm always hungry for more ;)

Hehe, no I haven't found anything new lately, but I haven't looked either. But I'm always yearning for that Otyg video bootleg that was mentioned so long ago. If he (forgot the guys name again) had put any effort in his search for VHS-into-cpuformat I'm sure he would be finished with the video by now.

Regarding Vintersorg, I'm sure that any old live bootleg or whatever would be online by now and there haven't been much live activity around lately either. Hopefully, we will all see the band live very soon...
Now that we have new Waterclime and Vintersorg coming out, please don't retire your Fission sideproject Mr V, Crater was such a good album! Heaps of attitude, awesome guitar riffs really different themes and lyrics I thought it was great.
even bigger version of the cover

The album cover is pretty minimal which is good for me, since I hate huge tacky designs all over t-shirts. Please... don't have huge tacky designs on the t-shirts... pleaaaaaaaseee. The only ones that tend to not be like that are the Girlie tees, something which I do not buy.
Oh yeah I have:D I've explored it all.:) I'm a staunch atheist and a skeptic... I just hate those creationists and believers in 'inteligent design'... crazy bastards.

To go back on topic, it's strange that the napalm records people still haven't put up a sample, the link still isn't working.