Some People Need a Life

pretty fucking awesome.

i spend an evening at least once a year driving around to look at christmas lights. i'm totally gay for the holidays.
Sexy Little Otter said:
i'm totally gay for the holidays.

christlessmas and turkey day fucking rule. (minus gay family gatherings during both)
I was at a mall tonight, and the abudance of christmas cheer at this time of the year disgusted me

Christmas tunes, santa, lights, christmas stores... is that allowed to all be happening already?

Except the drunk crazy guy who was bell ringing with his money pot in front of the grocery store, singing some sort of song where the only words were "happy holidays." Then when we came out of the store it was like he was trying to steal his own money pot off the stand it was hooked to, then when he got it went running off.
yeah i'm not a fan of early xmas decor. starting on thanksgiving day or the day after is good though.
Caramba!!! :OMG:

Back in France I know people who've been sued by their neighbourhood because their Christmas lighting was a little "too much". These guys would have been hanged from the Christmas tree.

1 star for thread title anyway...
i showed this to a friend tonight.

"dude who made this."
"i dunno."

he's serious too, and i'm considering joining him.
for the blowing or the discussion of the xmas lights?

i'm open for either, just need clarification.