'Something good happened today' <--You? Post here!

Mwahah. I won another radio contest. Autographed Jackie Chan crap. Any fans?

I texted a friend to tell him the news but I accidentally sent it to my mum's cousin. It was semi-explicit. Tutu, you and I really must be linked in some way, hehe.
I did some maths work and actually understood it. Maybe without the distraction of trying to do so well in IT this time, I can get a decent maths grade this time instead of the C that I got last time.
Caelestia said:
I texted a friend to tell him the news but I accidentally sent it to my mum's cousin. It was semi-explicit. Tutu, you and I really must be linked in some way, hehe.
You two are really stupid. I mean who'd do a thing like that?
Caelestia said:
I texted a friend to tell him the news but I accidentally sent it to my mum's cousin. It was semi-explicit. Tutu, you and I really must be linked in some way, hehe.
We are, twinnie ;)

Rusty said:
You two are really stupid. I mean who'd do a thing like that?
Ulla would :D

Woohoo i got a piercing today :D woohoo Mika's puppy almost ate me because she's insane ^_^ woohoo Mika is really nice and i really like talking to him and he's like the easiest person to talk to ever :D
idari said:
Ulla would :D
In fact, I vaguely seem to remember her doing something to that extent when I spent some time with her at provinssirock (though not quite as spectacular as what you and li did)

@Rus: I was assuming from the way you were talking that you did something like that too and that you were being sarcastic. I thought your original comment was too harsh to be taken as it was. My mistake.
Spike said:
@Rus: I was assuming from the way you were talking that you did something like that too and that you were being sarcastic. I thought your original comment was too harsh to be taken as it was. My mistake.
Don't you just hate it when people don't take you seriously?
Hehe. I was thinking to myself - it would be hard to give you each an individual house. So I may just make the UM Neighborhood, and make each house a country. That way everyone can live with the people in their area, and it won't take me 50 billion years to make houses for you all :p

Although, thinking again, by country may not work on this side of the atlantic. Maybe this side will be in one house... or two... like North America, and "Australia+Li" :) We don't want you all in a house by yourself, Li :)

No, Europe gets multiple houses. As in there'll be an Italy House, a Sweden House, Norway, Finland, etc... and even one for that damn floating thing off the coast of France. It began with an 'E' I think.

~kov. (hehe :p)
mm.. I'll crash in the 'Norway' house ..I don't suppose there'll be anyone there..

Anyone would be welcome to come by and visit during reasonable hours
(except you basta'ds who are voting my favorite DT song off the polls.. I'll never forget it.. >'( )

Kov said:
and even one for that damn floating thing off the coast of France. It began with an 'E' I think.
No, no.. just throw 'em in with the French and cram them, it'll be fun :D