'Something good happened today' <--You? Post here!

hyena: :lol: Do you like Turbonegro or do you just laugh at them? (no, matter the answer, I understand you!) And have you heard the spoken intro to "Imorgen skal eg daue"? Even better!

Today I had a nice afternoon "downtown" with a good old friend of mine that I can't see very often nowadays, since he's studying 1000 km north of here.

And almost as remarkable, I found a pair of pants in a shop that I really liked and didn't cost about a bucket of gold. Hurray.
I finally got a chance to have a webcam chat with someone I knew/know of 6 years.
Hmm...finished the European Law exam, which was bizarre. The questions he said would be on weren't, and the essay question he asked was on an area of law that consists of about a page - 2 pages in the textbooks. How are we suppsoed ot write an essay on that? :lol:

Anyway, its his first year teaching this subject, and so long as the results reflect that, I will give him the benefit of the doubt :)
Something very good happened today... yes indeed...

Quite unexpected too!

Bought myself terribly cool medieval boots, all leather and probably painful shit to wear but the way they look!!! AND the way I look in them!!!!
Ahem. Got our Provinssi tickets, dear. ;)

And yes, that's the good thing that happened to me, too. It's really very good.
i'm happy. that english exam is out of the way. among other things, we had to write a short text on how we think italians abroad are viewed by the local inhabitants. basically i said they see us as a bunch of mafiosi and they're perfectly right. :p

i feel like i'm becoming a living stereotype. :D
Something to look forward to: my CD order containing "Exposures" was shipped yesterday. I can hardly await its arrival. The package also contains the Skydancer/OCAETN US version with the new cover. I thought I had to get it, too, in order to "complete" my collection (which is nowhere near completion, of course). I do have the previous Sky/OCAETN split, of course.
I just ordered a Daylight Dies EP and t-shirt for less than £14, including postage, which is very nice as far as I'm concerned. :cool: I just hope they don't take much longer than 2 weeks to get here.
my bum hurts, it must mean my exercise program is going well, and soon the ladies will be making a line to feel it :p
@Luis: I'm first in line :cool:

My friend and I are having a good laugh over some moron who keeps bothering me. He's such a stupid weirdo. We should post the chat logs...
I just saw TMNT pr0n. That made my day.