Song Survivor - Morbid Angel - Blessed are the Sick round 1

Vote for the 3 weakest tracks on Blessed are the Sick

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Feels disconnected, in a bad way. I guess it's largely the poor drumming, he doesn't play to the riffs at all, like there's some cool twisty riffage but often he just blasts over it, and when they're in concert it's just standard death metal. It's probably one of the more original songs but their followers did it better. But honestly for third pick I could have voted for most songs that aren't Abominations, it's just not a very good album, very inconsistent.
I don't like the production of the album, but from the many times I saw Morbid Angel live playing that one, I would say it's pretty good.
Also, keep in mind that this came out in 1990:

Yeah, but you didn't mention this. You mentioned Considered Dead and Dawn of Possession. Considered Dead, while a strong album, brings nothing new to the table. It's a blending of NYDM and Floridian death metal styles. Perhaps I'm viewing it as more standard than what it is because of what Gorguts would go on to do later, but I don't think so.

I'm not even implying that Blessed was some huge revolutionary step forward in death metal in 1991, it's not The Red in the Sky is Ours. But Trey's riffing style up to this point and including Blessed was always identifiably unique and twisted compared to their contemporaries and there are songs on Blessed that don't sound like much else coming out in that time. And no, it has nothing to do with the instrumentals/interludes, two of which I am not even a fan of. Covenant is a much more standard affair than Blessed.
No I'm not talking about those, for obvious reasons. Although I personally think they fit in pretty well with the album. I wouldn't have even bothered to bring this up if Talos' post hadn't implied that the two album he did were some massive step forward in the genre compared to Blessed. The Immolation I can kind of get behind because they've always had their own style, but that became much more developed on Here in After and not the debut. Which says nothing about the quality, I love both. Considered Dead sounds like a band finding their feet by emulating their influences (one of which is clearly Morbid Angel). The Erosion of Sanity was a big step forward for them in developing their own style and of course Obscura is fucking batshit.
No I'm not talking about those, for obvious reasons. Although I personally think they fit in pretty well with the album. I wouldn't have even bothered to bring this up if Talos' post hadn't implied that the two album he did were some massive step forward in the genre compared to Blessed. The Immolation I can kind of get behind because they've always had their own style, but that became much more developed on Here in After and not the debut. Which says nothing about the quality, I love both. Considered Dead sounds like a band finding their feet by emulating their influences (one of which is clearly Morbid Angel). The Erosion of Sanity was a big step forward for them in developing their own style and of course Obscura is fucking batshit.

I agree that Considered Dead and Dawn of Possession aren't albums massively pushing death metal forward, but I completely disagree with how much you dismissed them in favour of Blessed Are the Sick which I see as really just more of the same (composition-wise) as what Morbid Angel had already done. It was your sheer incredulity that confuses me.

I think you're blowing Blessed Are the Sick out of proportion because you personally love it so much. All 3 albums are absolutely in the same league if you ask me.
Considered Dead, while a strong album, brings nothing new to the table. It's a blending of NYDM and Floridian death metal styles.
just that in itself makes it more unique than a standard death metal album like Blessed .... analbum that brought absolutely NOTHING new to the table.

is a much more standard affair than Blessed.
that kind of sheer savagery wasn't displayed many times att. That album was one of the reasons that sound went on to become the standard for death metal. nothing you're saying here makes sense tbh
Covenant was released in 1993. It had already been surpassed in terms of savagery and violence years prior by plenty of albums. If anything it was Morbid Angel joining the arms race in those qualities with imo, mixed results. Not to mention, an attempt at making their music more accessible, which worked, since it’s one of the highest selling death metal albums of all time.
Points out what year Covenant was released like i dont know and then says that there were other albums that were savage and brutal too, like i stated in my post. That album is one of the reasons that type of death metal went on to become the standard. And dude, you're one of the most clueless members on this forum so your opinion means nothing to me really, especially when most of your posts are coming form your heart and not your head. Your metal IQ is truly lacking, buddy.
If Considered Dead is standard death metal, what else came out in 1991 or prior like it?

I can't point you to an album that sounds exactly like Considered Dead, but it's pretty heavily indebted to the popular Floridian death metal acts of the time with some Suffocationissms thrown in. None of which even matters because as I said it's a good album. There's plenty of albums I love that aren't particularly unique, that's not why I'm discussing this. Blessed could be the most derivative death metal album of 1991 and I'd still love it because it's well written. I just don't think it is.
Voted for the title track, Abominations & The Ancient Ones.

Can't believe HBB called Pete Sandoval's drumming on Fall From Grace "poor". Wtf are you smokin' man?