Sorry for this stupid question


Warrior of Black Metal
Sep 20, 2003
New Hampshire
what the fuck is with black metal idealogy, i think the whole what's tr00 and kvlt thing is lame. And the whole Black Metal is a way of life is lame. It's just music why are people so deeply into black metal that they believe it made them become what they are...some kid said black metal was some curse, his way of life, it made him slit his mom's throat, that's bullshit. But still it doesn't make sense why do people put themselves so far down the black metal hole and what is it about black metal that makes these kids "cursed with this new way of live as an immortal king from hell"? :Smug: I don't know much about black metal so please don't flame, i just like the music, and i only know a little about the idealogy.

The whole "mocking" usage of "tr00" and "kvlt" is as equally lame as you think black metal is.

Black metal IS more than just music, if you can't accept that don't fucking listen to it.

What black metal needs less of is all the fucking trendies and infidels crowding the 'scene,' and it sounds like that kid is one of those people.

And lastly, if you "only know a little" about the ideology why are you bitching so much? Why not a) learn more to gain a better understanding or b) fuck off and go back to your cannibal corpse CDs.
And don't even start with the "I hate the NS idealogy of some of the bands" shit.

What kind of idealogy is yours, the "It's okay to sing about killing christians but god forbid they talk badly about jews or blacks" idealogy.

Of course you never even said anything on this, yet, I'm just extremely annoyed at the moment.
I should, where can i learn more about it.

Why it pisses me off? I like it for the music and people give a bunch of shit for because BM is their way of life. What makes it a way of life?

I'm don't give a shit about NS Idealogy, because i listen to NS bands, also i am athiest and don't give a shit about people who bad mouth any religion. People can talk about anally raping Jesus or slaughtering an african tribe, either way i don't reallycare as long as the music is good. Because i don't get offended by hate against religion or race. It's all a matter of fucking opinions.

I like mocking BMers that call themselves "tr00" and crap. What makes them "tr00"? I could start saying all the BM bands except Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone, Bathory, Graveland etc suck then make up some odd night like Eternal Nightwinds and say they're "tr00" or "kvlt" and call myself "tr00". I could listen to Cradle of filth and say i'm "tr00" even though they aren't BM at all. What defines "tr00" and what defines "kvlt"?
Caelum Adustum said:

The whole "mocking" usage of "tr00" and "kvlt" is as equally lame as you think black metal is.

Black metal IS more than just music, if you can't accept that don't fucking listen to it.

What black metal needs less of is all the fucking trendies and infidels crowding the 'scene,' and it sounds like that kid is one of those people.

And lastly, if you "only know a little" about the ideology why are you bitching so much? Why not a) learn more to gain a better understanding or b) fuck off and go back to your cannibal corpse CDs.

the whole "black metal ideology" its something made up by fat ugly kids who need to feel "special"
ShadowOfDeath said:
I should, where can i learn more about it.

Why it pisses me off? I like it for the music and people give a bunch of shit for because BM is their way of life. What makes it a way of life?

I'm don't give a shit about NS Idealogy, because i listen to NS bands, also i am athiest and don't give a shit about people who bad mouth any religion. People can talk about anally raping Jesus or slaughtering an african tribe, either way i don't reallycare as long as the music is good. Because i don't get offended by hate against religion or race. It's all a matter of fucking opinions.

I like mocking BMers that call themselves "tr00" and crap. What makes them "tr00"? I could start saying all the BM bands except Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone, Bathory, Graveland etc suck then make up some odd night like Eternal Nightwinds and say they're "tr00" or "kvlt" and call myself "tr00". I could listen to Cradle of filth and say i'm "tr00" even though they aren't BM at all. What defines "tr00" and what defines "kvlt"?

Honestly, when was the last time you saw a black metal fan refer to themselves as 'tr00'? And what makes you think that all people who take black metal seriously are like this?

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I suggest you just stop listening to black metal, or at least stop posting.
People who wrap up their entire being in black metal and spout shit about it being their 'way of life' do tend to suck. People who look for the most underground bands they can find and make some statement about being 'true' also suck. What you're ignoring, however, is that some of the better bands do actually develop thought-provoking ideas in their music.
Just a suggestion:

This is a fucking site that encompasses all facets of metal - Glam, Thrash, Power, Black, Death, Sludge and however many other styles there are nowadays...and I think the common thread that runs through all of us is that we love music that falls under the metal umbrella - so let's stop ostracizing people depending on who has what lifestyle or this or that or the other thing. This isn't a competition, and I'll take ANYBODY who listens to ANY style of metal over a Celene Dion fan any day of the fucking week...

Does that make sense?
Guardian of Darkness said:
No. It makes no sense to accept somebody that sucks just because some people suck even more.

You know what - that's a good point...I should have phrased that better. I guess all I was trying to say is that we're all metal fans and I'd rather focus on the music I like, instead of worrying about whether someone is "true to the scene" or whethere someone else is a "hanger on" or all that shit. If someone is a bandwagon jumper - that's on them, it has nothing to do with me. I don't have to hand out with them, and I can basically just ignore any of the stupid shit out there. If I let it affect me, I am making it more important than it actually is...

All these different camps and crews and this one is better than that one and this band isn't truly a part of this or that or the other thing...I guess this is all symptomatic of message boards and chat rooms - there is always the cliq mentality, and I guess that isn't going to change.
polarity said:
Honestly, when was the last time you saw a black metal fan refer to themselves as 'tr00'? And what makes you think that all people who take black metal seriously are like this?

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I suggest you just stop listening to black metal, or at least stop posting.

Slsk's chat rooms have a couple people who were like that.
Guardian of Darkness said:
People who wrap up their entire being in black metal and spout shit about it being their 'way of life' do tend to suck. People who look for the most underground bands they can find and make some statement about being 'true' also suck. What you're ignoring, however, is that some of the better bands do actually develop thought-provoking ideas in their music.

Exactly, this stupid fuck laughed because i liked Darkthrone and he was all "Don't listen to black metal" because i also listen to other kind of metal and he went about how Darkthrone may be pioneers but everyone knows they exist and if i was a 'tr00' bmer i would know a lot of better bands then went babbling about Ancient Rites. It was hilarious, this all started over me asking if anyone had Hellhammer mp3's :Smug:

What thought-provoking ideas?

and who is Ihsahn?