Soulside Journey = good DM?

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
I haven't heard this album, but I've heard people say it's good. Is it actually good death metal? What is the production like, and the vocals?

It just seems odd that a band like Darkthrone would move from that to what they did later (although not bad, definitely not bad!!!), so i'm just curious about what their death metal attempt was like, and whether there are any similarities to their later stuff, e.g. vocal wise, production, etc.

And how does this album compare to other old school death metal bands?
"Soulside Journey" is an excellent album. It's difficult to compare the record to other death metal, but I would suggest that you imagine something along the lines of the more "blackened death" variety, like Destroyer 666's work. Basically, it's a death metal record with subtle black-metal elements. Also, contrary to what some simpletons may claim, the production is perfectly suitable for Darkthrone's work.

In short, purchase this album immediately. I doubt you'd be disappointed.
yarZ, Soulside Journey is excellent......and quite surprisingly technical when contrasted to the minimalism on later work. You'd never guess Fenriz was such a talented drummer from the simple monotony on their BM albums.
It's quite a suprise. I remember listening to Transilvanian Hunger on the way to pickup Soulside Journey, and then being quite astounded at the album.
It is a great CD of Scandinavian-style old school death metal. There are lots of single note riffs and tremolo riffs. Many of the songs have a haunting, eerie sound to them, much like some of their black metal work. I would recommed checking it out.
I love it, its definately my favorite Darkthrone, its excellent deathmetal, pretty technical at times, it has great atmosphere and feel for a death metal album. Its not completely devoid of the "black" feeling, which makes it interesting.

I know, that's probably one of the more exhausted cracks of the past...forever.

Soulside Journey's a good album if you ask me. Darkthrone should try another album like that, with slight inflections of their past 10+ years of playing black metal. A true blackened death album, Darkthrone-style.
This album is more death metal than black metal. Check out "Goatlord" for an album that is really half death/half black metal.
Focusphere said:
This album is more death metal than black metal. Check out "Goatlord" for an album that is really half death/half black metal.

token black dude