Special Trona Poll

Should Trona get the fuck out of this board ?

  • Total voters
i took the third option.i let the cat do them farts,as *ladies are not allowed to produce gases when in public*---->(queen elizabeth accent)
trona said:
I think you all should gang rape her and punch her till she's knocked out cold. Then shackle her to the bed then rape her some more and cut her. When she starts to come to, verbally abuse her and just wail on her again. Take her spirit and will and stomp and stomp. Fucking pound her and pound and pound her, and pound on her and pound, pound and pound and pound her.....pound and pound and fucking pound her.

Just do what Ben does, take every inch of her body and soul apart at the seams.

yeah, after that we can go to our streets and houses to...........
free speech free speech for the dumb free fucking speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech

erm, i dont mind her...
Dora said:
this poll is lame. You know what its called? "ingluding in personalities", and its a type of unscrupulousness. And is it you who want moderation on board?! Shame!
Ppl need to solve differences of opinions by arguments and even heated debate! But not like this.. I hope you can find the remainders of your sound judgement and delete this thread (even without a preferred moderator).

people get what they deserve.
It's a thousand times less offensive than what I've read some time ago... mind you.
And anwyay, this poll is just a joke, like a lot of things on this board, seems like you're unable to understand this word 'joke' YOU KNOW THE KIND OF BIG FAT JOKES ? ... !??? ...
cedarbreed said:
people get what they deserve.
It's a thousand times less offensive than what I've read some time ago... mind you.
And anwyay, this poll is just a joke, like a lot of things on this board, seems like you're unable to understand this word 'joke' YOU KNOW THE KIND OF BIG FAT JOKES ? ... !??? ...

i quess we found this solution of "joke" for everything we wanna say that may be disturbing, no offence to you cedar, i am talkin about everybody. At least Trona doesnt say they are a joke.
best said:
i quess we found this solution of "joke" for everything we wanna say that may be disturbing, no offence to you cedar, i am talkin about everybody. At least Trona doesnt say they are a joke.

I don't find this poll disturbing or offencing at all and I won't delete it. Unless Trona asks me to. I find it funny in fact. I'm just amazed at some people's reaction towards it, whereas no one reacted to some fucking sicker shit.
And what the fuck, if you lot think it's offensive, sick and horrible to make such a thing just report it, maybe Mark will come delete the whole thread and ban me from UM :lol: :lol: :lol:
cedarbreed said:
I don't find this poll disturbing or offencing at all and I won't delete it. Unless Trona asks me to. I find it funny in fact. I'm just amazed at some people's reaction towards it, whereas no one reacted to some fucking sicker shit.

like i said my reaction was not for this poll specially, i just feel people use this "joke" concept too much. sometimes they say its a joke to get away with it.
best said:
like i said my reaction was not for this poll specially, i just feel people use this "joke" concept too much. sometimes they say its a joke to get away with it.

Ah well, they may, I dunno. It's not the case for me, I'm not trying to get away with anything. Doesn't matter. It's just that Dora kinda over-reacted to this poll I think, when Trona has enough sense of self-derision to vote against herself...
The roads here in Arizona are really wide straight and long, even through the city. I tend to drive very fast and weave like a fucking maniac through traffic. Quite reckless of me. *hehe* oops!
Well, anyway, I like to get ahead of the traffic in the city and open it up a bit. Lately I've been having a strong desire, that is kind of a constant nagging, to just step on it and fly then jerk the wheel to one side and let my baby roll!
I also constantly have thoughts when coming up to an underpass to floor it straight into the abutment or wall. Yes.
Let me just say cedarbreed, it is because of the mindset I've been in lately, well, quite a while now that is doesn't bother me. Aside from that....

I really appreciate all the nice things people have said here on this thread. It's made me know that my thoughts about most of the people here on this forum, as kind and mellow and tolerant people is true. :) thanks
Keep posting Trona... sometimes you seem too be a little bit mulitple... especially when you are talking about yourself in that "fucking" way using the speech of these bastards...

but what the fuck... you are a kind person !!!
OKay. Here's a poem I wrote about Ben and me from his perspective.

My little buddy, along she tags
All I can do is brag, brag, brag.
We found ourselves in an unwanted crowd
So I started singing real real loud.
It was on a warehouse elevator
And it echoed; god help us now, not later.
Everyone was staring, mouths agape like lead
While my buddy was bobbing her head,
I looked over her way with a smile,
She winked and said, "it's been a while
Since I've seen you feel so free
And your voice, it's lovely.
Tell me, why can't this be as it is now,
can't it be? Is it not your style?
You seem so happy, somehow."
I said, "Me happy? Come now,
You must be mistaken, that is vile
Dear, you were just for my ridiculing fun
So you'd better turn and run.
Damn, you are so dumb."
She returned with, "oh, I didn't know,
I thought you might have...I thought it was..."
I said, "ha ha ha NO,
you were just part of my show."
She put her head down with,
"Oh, I really must be slow."
The elevator came to a stop abruptly
And everyone left it hurriedly.
We are still standing inside
With the doors open wide
Staring each other down
from what seems like opposite sides of town.
Her heart I own, she cannot run,
And she doesn't know why
(heheh, I know it makes her cry)
I poke fun at her, fun so fun,
To her, it feels like a fully loaded gun.
This has been the mashed potato tune.