Not very cerulean eh
Hehe, No way that Trona has to go anyway, although her mind is totally fucked up (not saying this in an offensive manner), she's good to errrrr spice up some threads I think 

trona said:BEN *pounds and pounds the fucking crap out of her* BEN: "I love your voice Rebecca, I love your laugh, it's infectious." *stabs her in the neck* *pounds her and pounds and pounds her.... pounds and fucking pounds and pounds and pound and pounds and pounds her.* Ben: "You are nice Rebecca." *pounds and pounds her, and pounds her and pounds her and pounds her* BEN: "I like you Rebecca, I'm growing quite fond of you." *Punches and pounds and fucking pounds and pounds and pounds her and pounds her and pounds her and pounds her and pounds her....pounds Rebecca and pounds Rebecca and pounds her and pounds her and fucking pounds her!!!!!!!* BEN: "I FUCKING HATE YOU REBECCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!!!!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU REBECCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I F-U-C-K-I-N-G H-A-T-E Y-O-U R-E-B-E-C-C-A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
somnium_in_tenebris said:why?
you know it gets thinking sometimes...whether you really mean what you write.Suspecting you do (meaning the gist being serious),i get concerned,cos you seem like a nice person all-over and you shouldn't be going through this
Damn!Come over to Greece and you'll be fine![]()
trona said:Oh, I'm dead serious. Everything I ever say about Ben is serious, maybe the only thing I'm 100% serious about, always. It isn't a pounding of the corporeal kind, but of the spirit, soul, emotional, mental, will, life force, and yes actually, ending up taking my physical body down in the process in a variety of ways. He is one of only a very few things (people) that mean anything to me in life, and he means the most by far and away. And I love him so much.
John Carvajal said:is this the worst thread?
best said:what Ben does is pure SIN for me, i cant say i believe in god but i believe in sin and what this guy is doing is the worst sin you can commit.
get what deserves.. are you God himself?cedarbreed said:people get what they deserve.
It's a thousand times less offensive than what I've read some time ago... mind you.
And anwyay, this poll is just a joke, like a lot of things on this board, seems like you're unable to understand this word 'joke' YOU KNOW THE KIND OF BIG FAT JOKES ? ... !??? ...
Dora said:its not that kind of joke u want to show it cos u already showed your hatred in posts here and there.. i think its you who mix the "joke" term..
offense is ok imo in a Conversation - where someone argues and that, but this one is more like stabbing someone in the back without sense, humor.
And its just a perfect example of things that needs moderation in a forum in general, so thats why its funny u want a mod. Maybe you want a friend to be a mod so u can do whatever u want and your saved from critics then?![]()
trona said:@ Dora.
And the only reason, cedarbreed, that it didn't bother me is that I'm so fucking depressed right now that nothing else in the entire world can't even remotely reach where i am with it.
If it was at another time, it would have hurt a lot, really too much.
And it would hurt other people too if directed at them.