stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

One of the worst days I've had in recent memory, and I've had a lot of them... It makes sense I'm in a Doom Metal project because frankly there is no happiness left in my life :(

:( Like Vikk said , if you wanna talk, just talk, nobody is gonna judge you here
Oh man sorry dudes, I don't know where that came from. I came on here for a needed laugh and went all emo and spent the rest of the night drinking my face off and watching anything lighthearted/funny I could get my hands on. That's not like me at all to get whiny and talk about.. what are they called.. uh, oh right "feelings" :erk:.

It's been a really rough couple of years that's all, it's hard to get out of a hole when it gets this deep. I don't talk about this stuff normally, it's a downer.
Oh man sorry dudes, I don't know where that came from. I came on here for a needed laugh and went all emo and spent the rest of the night drinking my face off and watching anything lighthearted/funny I could get my hands on. That's not like me at all to get whiny and talk about.. what are they called.. uh, oh right "feelings" :erk:.

It's been a really rough couple of years that's all, it's hard to get out of a hole when it gets this deep. I don't talk about this stuff normally, it's a downer.

No need to apologize.

Besides, the deeper the hole, the closer you are to the bottom - and there's only one way from the bottom. Up :)
for instance, right in this moment, there is some people blasting shitty music and kids yelling for over 3 hours now. And its fucking loud. I wish i had a grenade. People are fucking awful