stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

Since im from Poland i should be hating all Russia with Putin included but tbh... If we had a strong, charismatic leader like Putin we wouldnt have to lick western balls, what is in the past is in the past, i'd rather focus on the present.
Good you bring up LGBT community. I was always a man with a lot of tolerance for everyone. But now for years ive been fed with dicks in assholes, gay parades, faget pride and whatnot, saggy tits of feminists that I became a man hating everyone who doesnt want to leave me be. Looks like asians are the only ones that still have my respect, they dont pretend to be something they arent, they are usually hard working, nice and dont demand things.
Do in your house whatever the fuck you wanna do, you can even fuck your own sister, i dont care, but if you are trying to tell me thats okay or convert me to Lannisterisms i will fuckin kill you.
Yes he does whatever he wants and for a man with such power that is dangerous! Dont get me wrong I do not like most western world leaders either but Putin is living in The past and he tries to make The world into what it was during The Cold war again and that is a development we can make due without. Having russia suddenly starting to violate swedish airspace and waters again is proof of this. And I do not care how popular he is in russia or any eastern european countries it is My country that The russian airforce makes practice bomb runs against so fuck Putin and all The eastern european low-lives who thinks he is a good guy!
Well if they think what Putin is a good guy for re-establishing russia as a military threat to The rest of europe then they are low-lives! really what good can come from that except a new cold war??
USA bombs everyone they want, thousand of miles away from their border - its k.
Russia uses little force in the nieghbourhood - OMG WORLD WAR 3 HIDE YO WIFE.

Still i'd be more afraid of sandniggers going apeshit on the south, then US of A and then Russia.
I dont believe Russia is a military threat for the Europe, Putin doesnt seem to care about Europe, just eastern Ukraine and showing off here and there to show how many fucks he gives about pussies from the west who cant even come up with a plan to stop him. Russia invading Europe could open possibilities for China that is hiding under the radar for a long time now.
I do not think anyone supports The US in their world police wars but russia has several times this year had bombers make practice runs towards Sweden and have several times violated our airspace with fighterjets how is that not a military threat? They have done The same to finland. They probably do not dare to do it against a Nato country but there is no doubt that russia wants to show that they are to be feared.

And america had never threatened us with military force but russia does it on regular basis. And while I can ser that you still think in those terms I think we should leave this dated East vs west world view behind as there are enough problems to deal with in The world without having butthurt world leaders clinging on to past glories.
So this is not in the least bit surprising. :lol:


Black people are not having any of that loud ass yodeling cracker music, and Sweden is building a Death Metal army with Finland.
Recently US choppers landed on a lot of fields scattered throughout Poland, without anyones agreement. I consider this, mildly saying, pretty rude. But fuck this "what XXX did". I guess none of us want to be under the heel of Obama or Putin.
But I would lie if I said im not secretly wanting a small war. That would fix a lot of issues, because when human kind is relatively safe they start to get bored and come up with LGBT or feminism shit. Also id love to see those tough boys in skinny pants and sluts trying to survive in apocalyptic word without their smartphones. Im not saying i would survive in the wilderness either, but would certainly have more chances than them.
So this is not in the least bit surprising. :lol:


Black people are not having any of that loud ass yodeling cracker music, and Sweden is building a Death Metal army with Finland.

Africa is probably fed up with BLACK and DEATH metal but they could use some industrial metal
Btw, I checked my sources I dont see any information thats swedish navy is "hunting" russian submarine. To my knowledge Russia is not doing anything that would violate international law AT THIS POINT. Even western media I follow that are antirussian are saying that what Russia does there now is at most shady, but nothing more. Im curious to see what happens next
Btw, I checked my sources I dont see any information thats swedish navy is "hunting" russian submarine. To my knowledge Russia is not doing anything that would violate international law AT THIS POINT. Even western media I follow that are antirussian are saying that what Russia does there now is at most shady, but nothing more. Im curious to see what happens next

The Swedish navy says they are just doing some intelligence recognizance mission because they believe there is a foregin underwater presence in the Stockholm archipelago they do not claim they are hunting a submarine but seriously what else could it be? Several civilian persons in the area claims to have witnessed a submarine on several occasions.
If a military vessel violates the waters of a foregin country that is very serious and since russia are doing it with their airforce on a regular basis just like in the soviet days then there is no reason to doubt they are doing it with submarines again as well just like in the soivet days.

Even if it is just a small submarine with minimal crew and not a full blown nuclear submarine it is still a military vessel that violates our boarders and I hope they catch it and expose the fuck out of russia.
It is not like Russia will start a war with Sweden or Finland or anything like that but they want to show off their military presence and superiority and they only do that to reclaim whatever power they once had and that is like a 30 years set back for the development of the area.
And while Nato has gained power in the Baltic sea during that time it is Putin who has the power to create and maintain good relations with his neighbours but sadly he chooses to do the opposite which I why I think so very low of him and I cannot comprehend his supporters.
Yeah some shit is going down here but the details are still foggy. A few days ago a wannabe moron that recently converted to Islam ran two soldiers over with his car and killed one of them, and today several people shot up a War Memorial and tried to attack Parliament.

So far everything witnesses are saying suggests it is indeed more pathetic terrorist cowardice (men with long black hair and head wraps) but until they release more information I can't be sure. One thing I can say is that although Canada has a reputation for being mild-mannered, it's definitely a mistake to fuck with us. We kick ass everywhere we go when we need to. I guess we'll see.
Also I don't have much use for racism (even if I think Dune-Coon is a really funny word). If you're going to group anyone together at least keep it aimed at extremist religious fuckheads and not an entire culture. Race does not dictate who you are.

Willingly choosing to be a cowardly, woman-hating murderer in the name of any Icon on the other hand is a conscious choice and should definitely be belittled and insulted.