stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

This image is still not bigger than your moms vagina

i think it could come off as funny, except everything you post is so generic it comes off as serious

sometimes there isnt even a punchline, just a racist word. its not even offensive because youre trying so hard with almost no actual material
^Damn right.

/Begin super happy rant

There is no feeling quite like watching the worst Manager you have ever encountered getting fired and perp-walked out of the building. My former boss, who is a sub-human moron, took over my department at work almost two years ago and just destroyed it, and in the process belittled and ruined my awesome reputation at work because he has a "god complex" and thought he had all the answers. He did not take kindly to me trying to do things properly and correcting him. I mean, this twat actually had me suspended on technicality for not being clocked in (I was at work I just forgot to punch-in) just to fuck with me.

I am one of the smartest and most knowledgeable people in the entire building and he consistently talked down to me and treated me like I was stupid no matter how right I was. He did this to almost everyone except the family members he hired on to other management positions. The very first day I met him he was already acting like that, and refused to believe anything I told him because he thought only he could be right (he was wrong about 85% of the time). Meanwhile I have actually done every position at my workplace except management itself, but no he believes that he already knows everything despite having no experience at all, and I must be dumb. Now after destroying everyone's morale, making us inefficient and being a complete retard in general he has finally been fired.

I am so happy right now man. This made me whole week. I'm going to have several beers. It's hard to go from being a superstar at work and taking pride in your job to being insulted and belittled until your job makes you even more depressed. Fuck yes :headbang: :):):)

Okay now that's out of my system:)
I just saw a horror movie about bodies donated to science, so maybe I wont mention the title for now. Big thank you to your grandfather I consider it much more useful to donate body to sience than being an organ donor.
So I spent the weekend at a black metal festival that was held in an old slaughterhouse complete with bloodcannons and impaled pig heads on inverted crosses and the most brutal fucking line-up ever! :kickass:
I literally see no reason to care about a person's sexual orientation since it has no effect on me. People choose weird reasons to hate each other.

So I spent the weekend at a black metal festival that was held in an old slaughterhouse complete with bloodcannons and impaled pig heads on inverted crosses and the most brutal fucking line-up ever! :kickass:

What was the lineup?
I like this rainbow, it created war between 2 fractions, "patriotic christian retards" vs "LOOK IM GAY THROW ATTENTION AT ME"
Basically the rainbow is built in a place named after some religious stuff, so skinhead christians got mad and they keep burning the thing.

Personally members of those 2 fractions I would impale on the rainbow and then set it on fire, would fix all the problems i have with this country.

I have nothing against homosexuals, transgenders hell, even fuckin pedophiles and treefuckers. As long as they do that in their bedrooms and dont beg for attention in public promoting their deviation. It just pisses me off.