stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

I expect that there will be at least some dwarves in the movie although they will probably not play a big role. The early games were centered on the Human/Orc conflict but the Humans had a wartime alliance with the Dwarves, Gnomes and High Elves who each had one unit on the alliance side. So I wouldn't be surprised to see these races represented, although if it follows the games they would be a small percentage.
Hoax. When the words "leaked" and "trailer" appear in the same sentence my bullshit-alarm goes off. How does a trailer get leaked? It's a feckin' trailer!
Tommorow will be the day of independence in poland. Cant wait for some riots, burning the gay rainbow and burning cars. It's the best day to observe nationalists retards and leftwinged animals in their natural habitat :3
Do not say a bad word about fantasy dwarves! :mad:

the only good thing about dwarves is their beards :) i don't like their personalities in most cases, gimli is an exeption because he's actually funny/likeable and not just macho-irritating. i do agree about most elves being condescending pricks though, not a fan of that(i still prefer elves over dwarves though)