Steven Slate Drums EX - Serial already in use?


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
I recieved Steven Slate Drums EX today and when i went to register using Service Center but it said the serial I entered is already in use on another account :S

I dont have another account and this is my first SSD purchase. I ordered the product from a registered seller (studioxchange)

I've emailed NI but I havnt heared anything back yet

Anyone else had this problem?
Thanks ahjteam. I'm either blind or a retard :)

I've sent them an email explaining the problem but I've heard the customer support for slate isn't always the best. Hopefully get it sorted asap
I've never had any experience with them personally its just other forums/threads have said they have.

Good to know they're not though :) was worried I'd be waiting days for a reply haha