Steven Slate Drums SNEAP DISCOUNT..

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yeah you should be able to add a 5th tom and tune it (for instanace add a 10" tom from another set and tune it a step up to mimmick an 8")

We don't have discounts on upgrades right now, unfortunately.

I'll have a lot of demos of the new 3.5 stuff, and within the next few weeks I'll start putting up some demos of the deluxe expansion pack.
Damn! I've been having some trouble paying for this. I've tried three different debit cards to pay directly (without paypal), but none has worked. I suspect it is because a. they're debit cards, not credit cards, and b. They're not from the US (they've all been either Visa or MasterCard, tho). I've tried opening a PayPal account, and transfering money from my bank to my PayPal. My bank doesn't seem to be able to do that.

I'm gonna try registering one of the debit cards to my PayPal... but since the debit cards are not mine (I don't own one), I haven't been able to. Damn, being an international buyer without a credit card sucks! :(
Damn! I've been having some trouble paying for this. I've tried three different debit cards to pay directly (without paypal), but none has worked. I suspect it is because a. they're debit cards, not credit cards, and b. They're not from the US (they've all been either Visa or MasterCard, tho). I've tried opening a PayPal account, and transfering money from my bank to my PayPal. My bank doesn't seem to be able to do that.

I'm gonna try registering one of the debit cards to my PayPal... but since the debit cards are not mine (I don't own one), I haven't been able to. Damn, being an international buyer without a credit card sucks! :(

Carnal, yo compro siempre con tarjeta de debito en usa, en si es lo mismo que una de credito, no deberias tener tanto problema, solo que no todas las de debito funcionan, tienen que tener el digito de 3 cifras atras, si tienen eso, ya chingaste con eso compras, o abres una cuenta paypal, pero con paypal estas limitado hasta el primer mes que llege el estado decuenta de la tarjta donde te vendra un codigo de activacion para liberar totalmente tu cuenta paypal.
Just bought the LE...

Just gotta wait for the files to download now...*watches download list lovingly*
Carnal, yo compro siempre con tarjeta de debito en usa, en si es lo mismo que una de credito, no deberias tener tanto problema, solo que no todas las de debito funcionan, tienen que tener el digito de 3 cifras atras, si tienen eso, ya chingaste con eso compras, o abres una cuenta paypal, pero con paypal estas limitado hasta el primer mes que llege el estado decuenta de la tarjta donde te vendra un codigo de activacion para liberar totalmente tu cuenta paypal.
En serio?! Qué raro... debería funcionar entonces, no? De qué banco es tu tarjeta? Intenté con una de Santander y con dos de Bancomer y ninguna. Todas tienen el dígito atrás.... qué raro.
La mia es Banamex, pero deberia bastar con tener el numero, a veces los sistemas de pago dan mucha lata, escribele a slate a ver si tiene arreglo eso, pero eh comprado algunas cosas sin paypal con la pura tajeta y no da tanta lata, de hecho pronto comprarle los samples tambien jaja, espero no batallar.

Ojala lo soluciones brother.
La mia es Banamex, pero deberia bastar con tener el numero, a veces los sistemas de pago dan mucha lata, escribele a slate a ver si tiene arreglo eso, pero eh comprado algunas cosas sin paypal con la pura tajeta y no da tanta lata, de hecho pronto comprarle los samples tambien jaja, espero no batallar.

Ojala lo soluciones brother.
Bueno, gracias... voy a volver a intentar el fin.
We'll have a tutorial on the midi grooves soon.. basically just use your DAW to audition, and then place them on your mixing midi track... its pretty easy.

If anyone has any issues or problems with the download, let me know.

PT users have no fear, we have PT fixes via email.
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