

New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2008
Minnesota, US
Are the reason why god fucking hates us all. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my weed. It cures alot of stomach/pain/sleeping/eating problems I have single handedly, and, it's just GREAT.

But the people that smoke it, on the other fucking hand... 90% of them are braindead fucking twats with little or no regard to anybody but themselves, and with ZERO ambition in life. You guys wonder why the shit is illegal in the states? POTHEADS. People are fucking stupid, lazy sacks of fucking shit. There's no conspiracy involved, there's no alternate truth, it wasn't banned politically so someone could win an election. PEOPLE CAN'T FUCKING HANDLE IT. PERIOD.

Get this, if someone offered to smoke you up (smoke some green with ya out of their own bag, no charge,) give you a 10$ tip, and break you off a little bit of it in exchange for selling them a 30$ bag (FOR MY MOM'S BIRTHDAY..) Would you drive the 6 blocks required TOTAL and do it?

Sounds like a fuck of a deal if I've ever heard one. To braindead retarded-ass potheads? 6 blocks = 600 miles. I've gotten ditched THREE times today because the stupid fuckers got high and didn't have the energy to come over. But no, before I found this out, I waited ALL fucking day for a response from them. I didn't overly call them, I didn't bug them, I didn't throw rocks at their windows and rape their fucking moms. I waited. Because for they said "OH DOOD I HIT U UP 10 MINUTES TROLOLOLOLO." and for SOME stupid fucking reason, I believed them.

People need to die.


Sorry, needed to blow off some steam. SHIT day.
fuck your day i spent all day hidding from this fucking storm

Yeah I've got a friend like that actually.
His short term memory is absolutely shot from smoking it so much.
The stupid fucking cunt lives about a 2 minute walk from my house, but after he hangs up the phone, he either takes 3 hours to get here, or the next day tell he tells me he forgot to come around entirely:mad: And he wonders why in the last few months I don't even bother to contact him much anymore and want to hang out.
I mean shit, I enjoy a bit of bud now and then too, I wont lie, but I don't let it turn me into a stupid cunt either.
Umm dude......Not everyone acts like those idiots. I smoke weed every single day and most people I know would be surprised if they found out I smoke. And they actually outlawed it the first time because of "reefer madness" and the like. Then later they were going to make it legal during vietnam and realized that the Russians were using it against the American armies because it made them pacifists so they outlawed it once again for the exact opposite reason they outlawed it in the first place.

To say that people in general can't handle it is a blanket statement and is wrong.
I said 90% of people. I used to smoke a quarter ounce of danks (120$ a day) a day, and nobody knew I smoked for a good 3 years or so until I told everyone of my close friends. It's about who you are, and if you can handle it or not. I'm not making a generalization saying EVERYONE can't handle it.. Hell no :headbang:. STUPID people can't fucking handle it.
But the people that smoke it, on the other fucking hand... 90% of them are braindead fucking twats with little or no regard to anybody but themselves, and with ZERO ambition in life

Sad enough, I made exactly the same experience. I´m 29 years old, but as I was 19 I were in middle of this scene and holy shit at some point I began to realize, each one is thinking about was all about weed, that was the most important matter of life. Sad!

ZERO ambition? Yeah, when I see the guys, I hung around 10 years ago, they still do nothing, except smoking weed. And when they go to work, then only for...more weed. To be fair, I also know some "more succesfull" guys, who smoke this shit sometimes, in moderation and they can handle it.
You know... I wholeheartedly agree with you on this. Most potheads are totally fucking retarded, lazy, and unproductive, and I want absolutely nothing in common with them.

It's making me want to quit altogether just so I don't have to deal with these retards anymore. And no, I don't wish it was legal. The least bit. Also, I'm not saying that potheads in general are like this, just a good 90% or so of them are. The only real way to describe them is with this face: o_O.

Don't get me wrong, there are people who can handle it while smoking it on a regular/daily basis (including myself, speaking in past tense.) They can still be normal, functioning members of society.. I'm sure we all know atleast one person like that in our lives (for me? My drummer.) But the rest of them.. Fucking a, I wish whack-a-mole still existed, but instead of the poor defenseless mole, have some pothead hired to poke their stupid fucking head out to get hit with a rubber mallet, repeat for 16 hours a day, and pay them in weed until they die.
