
Well, I'm an exception to the rule. I'm the type of dude that catches shit in mid air while passing by. Great reflexes. Drive high all the time. Not a single ticket. Never get stopped, never have.

Some day I realize this lucky streak will end but I don't believe it will be because I'm high from weed. I'm really focused while high on weed. More so than sober.

Gonna +1 you here, I'm the same exact way with reflexes and all, I just don't drive while high. EVERYBODY in MN does though, everybody who smokes it on a daily basis, anyway (so it doesn't effect them nearly as much as a n00b smoking then driving.)

It's pretty much standard practice here, and I've never known anybody that I know that does that, to ever get in any sort of accident because of it. It has the same focusing effect on most of them as it does you n' I.

It really does simply come down to tolerance, when you think about it. People smoke so much that, when they toke up a bowl it's like lighting a cigarette or something. There's a calming effect, not debilitating. Except with this stuff I have now, it's pretty debilitating (then again before yesterday I hadn't smoked in a good week or 2.) :lol:
@Notuern Right on, I could agree with that. In my case, since I have pretty much non stop anxiety, the weed calms me and focuses my mind. Anxiety for me has a funny way of distracting me. I'm not saying everyone should get high and drive. I've, in many cases, seen people loose it on "pot". Another effect that I see in other people is paranoia. I don't get that. I don't get "the munchies" either. Alcohol does that to me. I only drink beer anyways. I stay away from the hard stuff.
Yeah, i get it, everyone gets a different buzz etc. (For example; people with ADD actually go down on speed.)
I dont know.. i just have a problem with people handling a 2 ton vehicle after taking any kind of substances(Alcohol, Weed or even anti-depressants.).