
Marijuana is a very dangerous drug. My brother overdosed on a pot needle. I miss him.=(

I got in a debate in our social studies class about legalizing pot.. in which one of my classmates objected, because her uncle had to go through detox to get rid of his pot-abuse.. yes people, "pot detox". :lol:
that's total bullshit

i had a friend who got sent to rehab for smoking weed, only because he got randomly piss tested at work and that's the procedure one had to go through in order to keep his job

he said he was in there with a bunch of drunks, tweakers, cokeheads, etc. and felt totally out of place...said it was just like in half baked haha
Again - would you apply the same logic to coke, heroin, and meth?

The counter argument is going to be that "those are drugs that most (if not all) can't handle, weed is something that only some can't handle," which I also disagree with based on my personal experiences. Productive potheads are the exception, not the norm.

the difference between marijuana and the substances you listed is that a)marijuana is naturally occuring, and b)marijuana is not physically addictive. that's not to say one can't be psychologically dependent, but you aren't going to seize and die because you didn't wake and bake...

Shit lighting
that's total bullshit

No shit?
That was kind of the point.. i spent several days trying to explain to her that THC isnt physically addictive, and that her uncle probably used amphetamine or something and just said it was pot to make it seem less "serious"(Amphetamine is pretty common here in Sweden.).
again...what would be the point of that?? in order to study the effects of a substance on a subject, you need to measure the subject either before and/or after the substance is introduced. like i said before, if you did a bunch of tests on a bunch of smokers, all you get are some test results for some smokers. WITHOUT DATA FROM THE SAME PEOPLE WHEN NOT UNDER THE INFLUENCE, NO CONCLUSIONS CAN BE DRAWN.

OBVIOUSLY. I figured I did not have to reiterate that because I assumed it would be obvious.

Also about the cancer thing. If anything cancer is caused by the SMOKE. Not the Marijuana itself. If you inhale tomato smoke you have a chance to get cancer. Not because of the tomatoes but because of the inherent properties in smoke.

Vaporizers FTMFW!!!!! lol
Well yeah inhaling any form of burning plant life isn't going to be supremely healthy exactly, but your method of imbibing is down to a personal choice. To say weed gives you cancer is bullshit, to say smoking could do so isn't.

dude, 1 beer is not the same as one joint, bong pack, etc...

Having done some hydro myself I can say without any doubt that it's fucking just as retarded to drive high as it is drunk. What blows my mind is that I have met people that would have no problems cruising and clam baking at the same time. :ill:

All that said, I'm not opposed to the legalization of weed. As long as the government controlled it like any other controlled substance you get at the farmacy (spelled wrong on purpose, crazy fucking forum :lol:).

No offense dude... but...
What the fuck are you smoking???? (J/K) But seriously if you cant handle driving after one joint (who the fuck smokes fucking joints anyways???) then you shouldnt be doing it all together. If its too much for your body to handle, then don't do it.

If you cant smoke then drive, you just A. haven't smoked enough or B. Are a lightweight and should probably never be doing drugs and activities.

Weed is not a potent enough of a drug to stop people from functioning in daily life, but then again most of you dont smoke 10-15 bong loads a day, and you defiantly are smoking some fucking bammer ass shit, especially if your from NYC. or just about anywhere else in the country or most of the world. I've gotten what was the "bomb" some NY Diesel, shit gave me a headache and made me want to sleep. If you smoke crap like that, then yah I'm sure your take on weed is way different, the fact remains that out in Northern California if your a non stoner your in the minority, and progress has never stopped on the west coast. And it sure as shit never hampered my ability to do well in school, got accepted to UCLA on a ME major... it never stopped me from being in successful in the music industry, in fact the only thing i get out of being stoned is, being stoned, being hungry, and being able to focus really well (just on one thing)

If you think that being drunk, and being stoned is the same thing you are very much out of your element in this discussion, read some books on neurology and the effects of serotonin and dopamine levels on the brain and how alcohol is a trigger for both reactions in the brain. Weed does no chemical changes to the brain, and does no cellular damage, alcohol does.

I've done extensive studying on this, as well as being in an alcohol education, rehabilitation program thats court ordered. Regarless if I want to be there or not I spend 2 days a week for 2 hours a session learning about this stuff.

Its amazing how much mis-information there is out there about drugs and alcohol.

If any one here actually had a medical degree, you might also know that marijuana opens your lungs small air-ways and can make you breath easier, but the only way that will stand tru is if you smoke out of a clean, bong, water pipe, or vaporizor. fuck joints, blunts, pipe, smoking and all the other ways to waist weed and add tar and carcinogens to you system.
Studies show that your reflexes are dulled when thc is introduced to your system.
So driving after smoking, no matter how little, is irresponsible.

Just because you probably can drive home safely after drinking a few beers doesnt mean you should.. the same applies to marijuana.
Well, I'm an exception to the rule. I'm the type of dude that catches shit in mid air while passing by. Great reflexes. Drive high all the time. Not a single ticket. Never get stopped, never have.

Some day I realize this lucky streak will end but I don't believe it will be because I'm high from weed. I'm really focused while high on weed. More so than sober.
Im not saying that it necessarily makes you a bad driver, but i dont think its ok for anyone to drive under the influence.. its just a matter of principle.